H an G i n G ArOund

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Natsuki gulped in fear "W-what do you mean hanging around..?"Natsuki asked putting on a nervous smile Natsuki felt a hand on her shoulder she shivered "You know who~"she heard whisper in her ear her nervous smile turning into a terrified one by one word
"S a y o r i"

Natsuki grabbed the hand throwing it off her shoulder she turned to look at the girl "What did you do..?"Natsuki asked her furiously "Oh~ You know..I would tell you but I don't think I could really make you.."Monika paused "Image it"Monika snapped her fingers as the scenery around Natsuki disappeared Natsuki shut her eyes fearing the worst "Open" she looked her eyes on one thing a door she looked down grabbing the knob she felt a wave of dizziness hit her she gently opened the door.

She screamed she couldn't believe what she was seeing her best friend Sayori was..

She threw up she tried to cover her mouth trying to keep it inside her mouth but it was too much for Natsuki everything that was happening she fell down coughing and gagging.
Questions filled her mind each one making her feel even more confused.
What was happening?
Is this real?
Why did Sayori do this?
Was it my fault?
How did Monika know?
Did she see Sayori like this?

Natsuki a tear roll down her eye then another and another soon she sobbing with pain "T-t-this isn't real..."

"I-it can't be..


I Love You....Baka!(NATSUKI X YURI)Where stories live. Discover now