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Yuri dropped to the floor tears streaking from her cheeks I knew...this would never work I'm just so stupid she closed the door before she stood up again her hair covering her eyes she looked at the movie playing causing her heart to turn into a reck "N-natsuki.."She chocked on her sobs she went over to the couch laying down she started to uncontrollably cry she was wailing in pain.

Natsuki ran even faster not caring about getting wet that was the last thing in her mind she couldn't take it every seemed...so dark...
She tripped and fell in a puddle she rolled up in a ball on the floor she cried loudly "F-FUCK Y-YOU
Y-Y-YURI!"she yelled "FUCK THE WORLD!!" She screamed she couldn't take it she stood up once again with no emotion she looked down amd started to walked slowly to..home.

Natsuki finally reached her house she opened the door she was soaking wet she slammed the door.

"WHERE THE HELL WHERE YOU?!"Her dad yelled she didn't pay attention to him she keep on walking her dad stood and slapped her face before grabbing her collar lifting her up to make her see him.
"DIDN'T YOU FUCKING HEAR ME YOU PIECE OF SHIT WHERE THE FUCK WHERE YOU BEFORE I BEAT YOUR ASS!"Natsuki softly responded "I..was busy..with Yuri"Her dad dropped her making her fall "Yuri huh?..You stay away from her she's mine get it? And just because you saw her you probably forced my love to go on a date or worse...to...Kiss you...You fucking nasty girl"

He yelled kicking her she could barely get herself up she stayed at the floor she covered her head as her dad kept on to kick her roughly leaving bruises on her.
Natsuki was sobbing  "Get up. Now. I have a treat for you."She didn't like his tone but she did what he said she stood it she rubbed her arm softly. He handed her a beer bottle "Drink it now you slut."He demanded

"B-but..it's...-" "NOW!"he screamed she took it and took a gulp she hated when he made her drink she felt a bitter taste she coughed "Drink it all."He glared at her.
I have no choice...she gulped it all down not missing a drop she felt her stomach twist and turn.
He laughed roughly "You stupid whore...That was a year old..."Natsuki glared at him.

"Don't you fucking look at me like that you bitch! IF YOU WANT TO LIVE TO EVEN SEE 'YOU'RE' PRECIOUS YURI YOU BETTER FUCKING STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT I'M YOUR FATHER!"He slammed the bottle at her face making glass shatter everwhere Natsuki yelled in pain before she fell to the ground.
The world seemed to slow down as everything went dark.

"You don't deserve to live"
"I never loved you Natsuki no one does!" "Even if this isn't reality~ It's still true no one will  ever love you
You should just kill yourself to be honest but you aren't S@!*?#!"

Natsuki felt herself woke up from her nightmare...Her life seemed like a nightmare but she didn't mind. She shivered she tried to stand up she soon got up all her pain came rushing in she heard snoring her dad was asleep thankfully she walked over to her room looking in her mirror she saw a pieces of glass sticking in her face her eyes started at her eye there was a chunk of glass in it. She paniced she pulled it out roughly making it bleed once again she quickly grabbed her med kit and tried to cover her eye in bandages and make it stop bleeding soon it stopped she sighed How am I going to get to school...looking like this...?
I'll be a clown...

Natsuki sighed before she changed into her uniform she didn't even bother to fix her hair or anything.
She started to walk to school.

*Time skip*

She made it through the day thankfully she was heading her way to the literature club before she remembered what happened with Yuri yesterday she sighed No point to turn back now..I rather be heart broken than dead.. She opened the door to the literature club.

All the members heads turned to her she didn't pay attention she didn't give a fuck anymore about them she was about to start walking when Sayori spoke up "OH MY- NATSUKI WHAT HAPPENED?!"Sayori ran up to her.
Natsuki faked a smile "n-nothing happened!"Sayori stared at her blankly "...Don you dare lie.."Sayori toned changed she was never serious Natsuki nodded swiftly "W-well I just fell okay?!"She yelled crossing her arms "HMPH!" Yuri was soon beside Sayori "Those look like brusies...Natsuki...?"Natsuki started ro panic she looked at Yuri's eyes her hands soon turned into a fist.

"I fell okay?"Natsuki glared Yuri grabbed Natsuki and pulled her to the closet with her "Natsuki stop lying what happened?"Yuri paused "Did I cause it..? I'm so sorry if I did...I was so stupid to force my feelings on you...I just love you so much...and couldn't hold my feeling bottled in anymore...I'm sorry"Yuri felt tears rolling down her eyes.

"Yuri...." she sighed "I-I'm...sorry..."she couldn't hold it in she felt heraelf starting to cry Natsuki pulled Yuri into a hug "Y-you did..nothing...wring Yuri.."Natsuki sobbed.

Finally....everything's going to as planned!

I Love You....Baka!(NATSUKI X YURI)Where stories live. Discover now