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"DAYUM NATSUKI" A familiar voice yelled "THAT WAS SO.."it sounded so sweet..  "COOOOOLLLL!" Natsuki couldn't believe her ears she turned around letting go of Monika she felt tears flow down her eyes as a smile shifted her face


Indeed it was it was the loveable cinnamon roll named Sayori! natsuki ran up to the roll and hugged her tightly "SAYORIII I THOUGHT I LOST YOU!"Natsuki cried Sayori hugged back "sorry...but I would never... Never hang myself.. I would never leave you!"Sayori paused "I'm not like that.. "

Sayori pulled away from the hug looking Natsuki in the eyes she let out a big smile "Hehe!"Sayori grabbed Natsuki's hand and pulled Natsuki out of the school almost dragging her.

"Hey.. Wanna hang out?"Natsuki nodded "Was.. That a pun?"Natsuki asked "Maybe~"Sayori sticked out her tongue in a playful manner "You dork what am I gonna do with you?"Natsuki laughed rolling her eyes
"Heyyyy I'm not that bad!"Sayori pouted "Nope you are"Natsuki smirked "Comeeee onn Natsukiii"Sayori smiled Natsuki only giggled as they both at started to walk off as the sun was setting.

"Sayori... You really do mean a lot to me.. And I just... Thank you for always being there for me y'know?" Sayori grinned "No problem!!" "love ya Sayori"Natsuki said of course it was in a best friend type of love.. "Love you too Natsuki!"Sayori pulled Natsuki into a hug Natsuki didn't even pull away she hugged back smiling widely she loved this feeling of...Friendship it felt nice she wanted to last forever...



"iF OnLy ThAt WouLd HaPpEn~"

Natsuki felt the warm feeling disappear as she felt herself falling into a void of darkness tears falling how could she fall for such a terrible trick? Sayori.. Could never come back... She was dead and gone...forever and she could never change it... No matter how much she would try or wish she could never change the past....

"DID YOU REALLY THINK IT WOULD BE THAT EASY?!"Monika yelled before letting out a ear pircing laugh it echoed in Natsuki's mind Natsuki hit something solid she assumed it was the ground she grunted rubbing her arm she stood up she looked ahead seeing Yuri  walking slowly "Yuri.. "Natsuki whispered "YURIIII!" Natsuki felt tears fall seeing Yuri turn around seeing her cheeks were soaked with tears Yuri ran hugging Natsuki "N-natsuki I finally found you!"Yuri smiled "Whenever we saw Monika everything became so dizzy and I think I passed out then I ended up here it feels like hours I've been walking I was so.. Afraid.."Yuri pulled away from the hug and looked at Natsuki "Don't worry Yuri I'm here now everything's going to be okay..."Yuri nodded softly "Promise..?"Natsuki let out a wide smile "Promise!"Natsuki lend in giving Yuri a small kiss Natsuki felt hope fill her heart Yuri pulled away she was shaking Natsuki noticed she was staring behind her Natsuki looked behind her fearing the worst she gritted her teeth...she saw...


I Love You....Baka!(NATSUKI X YURI)Where stories live. Discover now