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Monika just smiled not saying a word "What do you want Monika?!"Natsuki screamed feeling her anger bubble Yuri grabbed Natsuki's arm she was almost to the point of tears "Oh oh..Natsuki why are you getting angry..?"Monika paused "Can a friend not smile..?"Monika titled her head  sideways her smile never leaving her face "Don't you even fucking dare call yourself my friend Monika!"NATSUKI glared "Why not~?"Monika said in a sing song tone "You're seriously.."Natsuki paused before letting out a low sigh "You're hopeless..Monika you did so much messed up shit! You made Sayoei hang herself I don't know how! but.."Natsuki stared at Monika "I KNOW YOU FUCKING MADE HER KILL HERSELF!!"Natsuki yelled her anger flooding out and heading towards Monika "Thank you"Monika shut her eyes "For reminding me..How about I show you how I did it?"Monika smirked as she snapped her fingers the scenery changed as they were in the clubroom "Alter iruy.chr file last stage" It echoed "What the hell..?"Natsuki asked she looked back not seeing Yuri she felt someone grab her hand she turned her head seeing Yuri everyrthing seemed to turn darker like a dark mist filled the air "Yuri..?"Yuri had a freaky smile on her face

"C-cut it o-o-out.." "p-please.."Natsuki felt tears fill her eyes as she started to back away Yuri followed Natsuki then hit a wall she shivered seeing Yuri's eyes they were full of lust and...pain
"I LoVe yOu,NaTsUkI.." Yuri paused"Do you accept my confession..?" Natsuki knew the real Yuri was in her what should I say..? "No...I don't.."Natsuki whispered excepting a slap or a loud cry from her love...Yet she heard nothing...


A laugh "ahaha..."Natsuki opened her eye excepting to see Monika laughing she saw Yuri "Ahahahahaha!"Natsuki knew the laugh meant bad news her stomach twisted into a knot.

"AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!" Yuri pulled out a giant knife and pointed it towards her chest as tears flowed down the tall girl's eyes "YURI NO!"Natsuki tried to grab the knife but it was too late Yuri plunge the knife into her chest twice then into her heart her eyes shook.

"ha..ha..."Yuri fell into the ground Natsuki went to her side grabbing Yuri in her arms barely able to hold her up Yuri just smiled before grabbing Natsuki's cheek she kissed it softly "N-natsuki...I'm s-sorry..I didn't mean t-to...Hurt you.."Natsuki saw the light flickering from Yuri's eyes
"Y-yuri.."Natsuki choked on her sobs tears soon falling on Yuri's cheeks
"N-no no"Natsuki sobbed "PLEASE NO YURI! DON'T LEAVE ME I NEED YOU YOU'RE MY EVERYTHING"Natsuki screamed "N-natsuki..I..."Yuri coughed up blood "I l-love y-you.."Yuri held Natsuki's cheek smiling staring into Natsuki's eyes for one last time...she fell limp not a movement no noise...Nothing...Yuri was....

Gone forever....

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