She walked.

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N̶̡̺̿̕¿̷͇̻͉̋͆t̸̡̔̐ͅȗ̸̘̭̈͜k̵̹̈́͋¡̸̹̔͝  appeared in a void like the last one she was in...In... god knows how long ago N̶̡̺̿̕¿̷͇̻͉̋͆t̸̡̔̐ͅȗ̸̘̭̈͜k̵̹̈́͋¡̸̹̔͝ looked at the body before her she sighed softly she could barely make out her...sweetie's face.... SwEeTIe  iT WaS a GrEat NiCkNaME...FoR...HeR...
N̶̡̺̿̕¿̷͇̻͉̋͆t̸̡̔̐ͅȗ̸̘̭̈͜k̵̹̈́͋¡̸̹̔͝ sighed  GrEat WhAt dO i dO nOw..?
N̶̡̺̿̕¿̷͇̻͉̋͆t̸̡̔̐ͅȗ̸̘̭̈͜k̵̹̈́͋¡̸̹̔͝ held the body close to her she gently cried it was hopeless she was gone...Her love...her... she could never relieve the feeling of being by Yuri...Or Sayori...they're both gone and she knew it...she hated it so much why didn't Monika just kill her too? Why did she have to make her suffer knowing she would stay at the same place for eternity..? Did she want to make her regret even living..? It was the end...Nothing else would happen...She should just stay her to rot....crying....
What else could she do? She didn't matter whatever she did wouldn't matter...she sobbed she knew what Sayori started to feel the world didn't want her...
MaYbE ThIs aLl HapPeNed BeCauSe oF mE...
I ShOuld..dIe....
Y̶̬̾͋̔?̶̫̱̤̋͝r̶̰͉̾̐́¡̸̯̱̌͜ ....I mIsS..YoU...

N̶̡̺̿̕¿̷͇̻͉̋͆t̸̡̔̐ͅȗ̸̘̭̈͜k̵̹̈́͋¡̸̹̔͝ stood up and grabbed Y̶̬̾͋̔?̶̫̱̤̋͝r̶̰͉̾̐́¡̸̯̱̌͜  in her arms she started to walk she didn't know where she would go..She didn't know if the void even had a ending...There was only one way to find out...she walked and walked....

Hoping...But the dream would come true...





Ṱ̶̰̬͓̫̻̫̂̂͂́́̂̍͌̒̐̃̓̀̏̾͌͒͋͠h̵̡̧̛͈͓̰͚̱̻̠̭͕̙̥̜̺̘͒̈̓́̑̅͒̓͐̊̓͒̆͂͗̄̽̇̃̍̒́͛͒̊̒̿͛̕͜Ȅ̸̢̨̨̖̙̜̞̠̺͇̻͇͙̠͎̝̻͔̼͔̫͖̥͍̞̈̾́̆̓͆́̄́̎́̎̌̔͋̽͂̏̑̇̈́̕̕͜͠͝͝͝͝ͅͅ ̸̛̛̰̬̗̳͙͈͔̩̓̾͊̎̎͆͆̃͒͒̀͛͘͘͜͠ě̸̢̧̧̨̧̢̛̛̥̦͚͙̖͉͍͈̯̫͓̱̺͔̯̼͗̈͂̆̀͊̍̿͌̅̔̄̄̃̃̚̕͘͝͠͝ͅN̴̙͎̲̜̪͆̃̓̃̓̃̇͆͋̇͌̆̈́̉̑̌̈͘͝d̵̢̧̢̛̜̜̩͕̳̬̺̣͓̮͖̣̰̣̤̟͖͉̦͙̜͂̎̽̉̿͆̉̎̂͆̎̏̀̄̉͗͑̂̕͜ͅ

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