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Yuri froze before quickly typing back
Yuri:I'm her friend,Yuri nice too meet you Natsuki's Dad..Where is Natsuki sorry for causing you trouble.

Nat:Yuri huh? I never knew my little girl had friends she never talks about you...Well nice to meet you too Yuri just call be Dad-suki I rather not give my name just think of me as a friend okay?

The bad feeling didn't go away..why wasn't it going away..?

Nat:Oh also Natsuki is okay she's eating may I call you?
I just want to make sure you're not a boy.

I nodded to myself typically dad stuff right..?

Yuri:Yes sir you can

Nat:No need to be all formal

Nat is calling..

I answered "Hello again" His voice..sounded so low and rough I shivered "H-hello"I stuttered "I assume you're the shy type eh?"He laughed I didn't like the sound of his laugh it sounded dark full of pain..even "I guess so..Sir- I mean
Dad-suki may I ask a question?"I asked "You already did!"he laughed again "I-i-i..I guess I did heh"I giggled "Cute giggle you must get a lot of boys eh?"I assumed he was smiling "N-no not really but thank you"I smiled softly "Well I must be going..before I go have my number"he paused before saying it I added him into my contacts as Dad-suki "Okay I got it nice talking to you"
"Bye" he soon hanged up I waited for a text from Natsuki..Nothing I sighed oh wait I should tell Dad-suki about Natsuki coming over! I sighed softly Nah Natsuki probably already told him.. I laughed to myself before turning over deciding to sleep it was a draining day after all..

I yawned agreeing and soon fell asleep

Nothing but darkness..
"Hello?"Nothing not even a echo I barely even heard myself thoughts were filling my mind was this a dream? It had to be I looked around hearing a slight screaming I started to run feeling a rush of fear strike my heart Tge screaming became louder and louder the beats of my heart becoming louder as they even skipped
what was happening?
Why was this happening?!
My ears felt like they we're bleeding I stopped running it felt like everything stopped except the screaming...
The awful screaming..

I woke up..On the floor I rubbed my head "What was that dream..?"Slience answered I sighed "I should stop talking to myself..

It was friday of course yay normally people in school would scream in joy but me?
Nope it just meant to literature club..Wait..
Natsuki! We meet on the weekend yes!
I felt a smile appear How could I forget about that? I giggled before getting up I went to change into my uniform I grabbed my bag and then

I need to check it but after breadfeast!

I ate some bread not the best but eh I started to walk to school seeing people walking too to work or school I looked on my phone seeing a message

Nat:Hey Yuri sorry for bailing on you while calling hope my Dad didn't cause you that much trouble.

I smiled before texting my reply

Yuri:No it's okay he's nice

Nat:Nice to hear he did a good impression see you in the club bye


My smile had widen I was so happy my mind was fulled sith Natsuki and for once I didn't care.

(Time skip)

I walked to the club room Natsuki hadn't come yet I sighed softly before seeibg Sayori I walked up to her "Sorry about yesterday"Sayori just smiled "It's okie doki!"she giggled "It was a weird day yesterday but it is okay I'll be more careful hugging..your Natsuki"Sayori winked I blushed rubbing my neck I can't believe I actually said that..Natsuki being mine..? Wow.. I smiled "That was silly of me hehe"I giggled before waving goodbye I went to a desk and read my book soon the club room opened with Monika and Natsuki.
Monika went to Sayori and Natsuki..was walking towards me I was blushing "Hey"She smiled "Hello" Natsuki looked around for a second before looking back at me "Soooo Yuri wanna read manga..?" Last time we mentioned manga wasn't so pretty "If you want I don't c-care!"Natsuki crossed her arms I giggled "I would love to"I responded "Really..?"Natsuki asked before nodding "Y-yeah of course you'd like to read manga with me haha!"she faked a laugh I rolled my eyes before getting up and heading to the closet with Natsuki she grabbed a manga Parfait girls..? "Don't judge."Natsuki must've noticed my expression..
"I wouldn't! I-i'm s-s-sorry!"Natsuki laughed "It's cool"Natsuki sat at the floor patting telling me to sit next to her I soon followed her order I sat next to her I scotted closer.

Yuri noticed Natsuki had a small brusie below her eye "Natsuki..? When did you get that brusie?"Natsuki jumped slightly "Well..I f-fell?"She asked "Just ugh let's read!"Natsuki grabbed Yuri's wrist and made her hold the side of the book while Natsuki hold the other causing them to get closer Natsuki layed her head on Yuri as they started to read peacefully..

Yuri heard light snoring she looked at Natsuki who was sleeping she smiled patting her head softly before she soon went to sleep too "Goodnight....Natsuki...I..I...

I love you"

I Love You....Baka!(NATSUKI X YURI)Where stories live. Discover now