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Yuri stared at Natsuki who just kept running she was running to the restrooms.
Yuri sighed softly I hate running.. but the thought of what she did to Natsuki quickly made her running she soon reached the restrooms she saw a stall close she knew it was Natsuki she soon heard soft sobbing.
I messed up this time.. Yuri thought sadly as soon as she took a step the sobbing stopped "W-w-who's there?!"Natsuki yelled trying to sound tough but failing "Natsuki.."Yuri said softly "It's me..Yuri"Yuri walked over to the stall "I just...wanted to say..I'm sorry..I didn't mean any of it...I..."Yuri felt her tears fall she placed a hand on the stall's door "I-I-I..know I was more than harsh.."she took to a pause it was hard to speak out words while sobs came out every few seconds she looked down trying to control her emotions
"P-please..I know I...Don't deserve your f-forgiveness but..I..Just want you..t-t-to know I'm s-so so..S-sorry"Yuri was crying she couldn't stop her emotions she fell to the floor "I'm such a monster for calling you all that I'm sorry Natsuki!"Yuri heard nothing from Natsuki she waited..Nothing still.

"N-natsuki..?"Yuri asked getting up knocking "O-open the door please.."

The door slowly opened Natsuki walked out looking down she started to walk "Natsuki!"Yuri ran up to her "Natsuki..?"Yuri asked Natsuku turned around.

Yuri felt a sharp pain in her cheek "Ow!"Yuri yelled before rubbing her cheek.

Natsuki slapped Yuri. Hard.

"Natsuki that.."she paused feeling a pair of arms wrap around her in a tight embrace "Hurt..?"Yuri looked down seeing Natsuki was hugging her she blused madly "N-N-Natsuki-"Yuri was cut off.

"Y-you..really i-idiot"Natsuki sniffled putting her face in Yuri's chest My heart is pounding..It's pounding so hard Yuri kept silent she hugged Natsuki in return "Natsuki...I..I..Love..-"

"NATSUKI! YURI! WHERE ARE YO-?"Natsuki and Yuri both turned to the entrance to the restrooms.
It was a ball of sunshine..Sayori.

"SAYORI?!"The both yelled blushing crazily noticing how Sayori would take how they were hugging and such~
Natsuki "WHAT?! WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSE TO MEAN?! NOTHING'S GOING ON RIGHT YURI?"Natsuki looked up at Yuri all Yuri did was stare back she smiled softly with sadness in her eyes "Y-yeah..Sayori we're just..friends"Yuri barely managed to speak out.

Why did that hurt so much to say..? I barely even know Natsuki..We're barely even friends..
I could never....


She would never love me anyways.

It doesn't matter I'm useless to her...


Yuri snapped back to reality "H-huh?" Yuri saw Natsuki was no longer in her arms she felt her face get even warmer seeing the way Natsuki stared at the her she looked mad at Yuri So..cute.. Yuri thought she was blushing so badly
"WHAT ARE YOU B-BLUSHING AT BAKA?"Natsuki yelled her cheeks bright pink "N-nothing! S-sorry what we're you two talking about again..?"Yuri asked looking at Sayori to make her mind less....No need to think about Natsuki come on brain.. Yuri heard Sayori wuickly respond "Oh yeah! I was telling Natsuki that Monika told me to get you two since the meeting is ending! Sadly anywayyyyy then Natsuki started to tell you to wake up and stuff like that and then you asked me what happened andddddd now we're here!"Sayori smiled cheerfully "Oh..Okay thank you"Yuri smiled before she started to walk off to the clubroom to get her book she heard footsteps it was Natsuki "Yuri wait for me!" Yuri stopped looking back "Hurry up or I might leave without you"Yuri laughed "It's hardddd! I have short legs y'know! Unlike you're long slender legs!" Natsuki giggled "Cute.."Yuri chuckled "Wait..Slender?!"Yuri yelled blushing "Yeah..I mean.."Natsuki paused "Do you even look at your legs?! They're longggg!"Yuri looked away "U-u-u-uh not that that's a bad thing of course!"Natsuki said not thinking "Uhhhh I mean-"Natsuki froze "Hehe I understand Natsuki..Now.."Yuri paused "Why don't we go pack up? It's getting late.."Yuri smiled "Y-yeah okay.."Natsuki and Yuri continued to walk.

Why do I feel so dizzy..?

[Time Skip Bruh]

Natsuki and Yuri both walked out of the school Yuri smiled at Natsuki "Well..I'll see you bye Natsuki.."Yuri started to walk "Wait baka!"Yuri turned around before feeling Natsuki...Hugging her it feels like I'm steaming up!! Yuri rubbed Natsuki's head slightly "H-hey!"Natsuki yelled "T-that tickles.."Natsuki said softly
"H-Huh?"Yuri asked not believing her ears "NOTHING BAKA J-JUST.."Natsuki let go of Yuri fixing the top of her head "Just...See you tomorrow Yuri bye have a goodnight.."Natsuki hands became to a fist "AHHH WELL BYE!"Natsuki ran away blushing mess "Goodnight to you too Natsuki.."she turned smiling before starting to walk again.

Thank you Natsuki...So much...

"So happy yet so naive..when will you learn Yuri..?"

Sorry if that was a little short bai!

I Love You....Baka!(NATSUKI X YURI)Where stories live. Discover now