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Natsuki quickly shut her eyes trying to keep the image of Sayori out of her mind.
She felt as if by every second she was becoming more and more insane she couldn't take it she gripped her hair roughly she let out a blood curdling scream "STOP IT STOP IT!"she took a pause she started to sob she fell to the floor and curled into a ball. She let her misery take over her she didn't care anymore about anything is this how Sayori felt..? She asked herself she opened her eyes seeing Sayori...she just stared too frightened to look away or do anything she just stared.

Until a sob broke through her lips then another and.. another.
Soon tears filled her version they soon fell Natsuki sat up getting a better view of her....nightmare she gripped her blazer.
Her heart was in pain it was aching the pain was like she never experienced before...it still felt as it was a.. Nightmare It needs to be..Sayori would never do this she always seems so happy and alive she couldn't possibly......maybe that was all a lie maybe Sayori just was so depressed that she faked all her feelings.... Everything maybe everything pushed her to the edge...to do... This...

And how?
How does Monika know about this?
And why?
Why does she know..?

Natsuki mind snapped to 'reality' as she felt a hand touch her shoulder she looked over her eyes widened as her face expression changed into madness instead sadness.
It was Monika..the whole scene changed everything was white Marduk shut her eyes before opening them seeing Monika but instead of Sayori's room or the white room it was the club room "You... Why..? "Natsuki asked she stood up her legs wobbling she was shaking from fear "It had to be done...It was the only way"Monika paused as a crazed smile appeared on her face "Not like it mattered anyway she was a worthless piece of code everything is pointless and anyway she would have done it later so I just sped u things~" Natsuki growled "you.. You... "Natsuki snapped "YOU MONSTER YOU'RE SO TERRIBLE I CAN'T BELIEVE I EVER FELL IN LOVE WITH YOU!" Natsuki pasused "..you're the only one in this world who is worthless...."Natsuki walked up to Monika grabbing the taller girl's blazer forcing Monika to look at her in the eyes...

"Go burn in hell...Monika"

I Love You....Baka!(NATSUKI X YURI)Where stories live. Discover now