YURI GETS s t e a m

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Yuri finally got home she got her key and opened the door she sighed softly before walking into the dark house.
The house's vibe felt...lonely Yuri knew why but to keep her sanity she decided not to remember those..dark memories.
The bookworm soon climbed up stairs before falling into her bed "I'll take a shower in te morning..."she yawned before falling peacefully asleep.

(Time skip to morning)

Natsuki rubbed her eyes she slowly opened them before feeling the rays of the death sun hit her eyes "AAAAA"she shut her eyes trying to get out of hbed she tripped and fell over making a huge thud sound "EYYY KEEP IT DOWN BEFORE I COME UP THERE YA HEAR?!!!"Drunk daddy yelled she sighed "Yes sir!"She stood up before looking at her arm there was a small bruise "damn floor..don't make me fall again and get another bruise"she took a short pause before sighing "....I already have enough of those..."she slumped her way to her school uniform she put it on lazily beforr eading down stairs seeing her dad sleeping she sighed "Good thing he's asleep..."she didn't want to deal with him when she came down so it felt like a miracle for her she stepped out the sdoor feeling the sun hit her face "damn sun...WHEN WILL I HAVE A BREAK?!"she yelled before hearing a groan from her dad "Shit.."


Fuckkkk fuckkk owww why does he always have to..do...that when I do something wrong? I hate it so much Natsuki rubbed her arm before walking into the clubroom the first person she saw was none other than Yuri she blushed feelng a slight butterfly i her tummy she started to approach Yuri before Sayori stopped her by getting in front of her "Helloooo Natsuki!"Sayori smiled "Oh..Hi"Natsuki greeted her "How are you?"Sayori asked kindly

Come on...Sayori go away..Monika pleaseee take herrr awayyyy Natsuki though before feeling gulit fill her why did I think that...? Sayori has always been there for me...She's like my little sister and I just talk bad about the person who basically brings light into this clubroom...?
Natsuki's gulit rasied even higher.

"Natsuki...? Are you oka-"Natsuki hugged the slightly taller girl tightly "S-sorry..."Natsuki said softly Sayori said nothing but hugged back smiling even brighter.

Yuri looked over at the two hugging she felt a chill run up her spin she gritted her teeth How dare...she...SHE'S HUGGING NATSUKI! Yuri yelled in her mind her hands went to fists she growled softly She's...hugging my Natsuki...My little Natsuki...

Yuri started to walk over to the two who were still hugging Sayori soon noticed her "Hi Yuri!!"Sayori yelled she tried to wave her hand at Yuri but because of the hug made Natsuki fall onto Sayori's chest Sayori stopped and "Are you okay Natsuki? I'm so sory!"Natsuki backed off Sayori's chest Sayori helped by letting her stand somehow they were still hugging but one thing was slightly different Sayori was holding Natsuki's....hand..

WHAT TH HELL? HOW...NO NO Yuri glared at Sayori mouthing 'Back off my Natsuki' Sayori didn't understand she giggled "What was that Yuri? I didn't hear you!"Sayori released Natsuki from the hug but they were still holding hands Sayori and Natsuki didn't notice at all.
Maybe Sayori did notice but she didn't care "I SAID BACK OFF MY NATSUKI!"Yuri yelled running up to Natsuki and pulling her into a hug Yuri pet Natsuki's head softly but was glaring at Sayori "...Huh..?"Sayori titled her head "H-hey! When did a-anyone said I was y-your's Y-Yuri?"Natsuki asked blushing madly Yuri said nothing but instead moved her hand lower to Natsuki's ear and started to play with it "Y-Yuri!"Natsuki started to tremble.
She has sensitive ears huh.. Yuri smiled softly "Yes Natsuki?"Yuri asked before letting go of Natsuki and squatting down she leaned to Natsuki's ear and licked it "MHMMM- GOD D-DAMMIT YURI!"Natsuki pushed Yuri slightly before backing off blushing as bright as a tomato "HUHHH???"Sayori yelled it seemed like she broke.

"What the...what's going on?!"Monika asked half yelling she was late ofcourse too busy practicing piano "YURI LICKED MY EAR"Natsuki yelled "Well you liked it didn't you..?"Yuri asked "YES- I MEAN KINDA I MEAN I MEAN NO NO BAKA!"Natsuki ran into the closest "Yuri..Please try to keep your hands to yourself okay?"Monika sighed before she smiled and went over to Sayori waving her hand infront of the girl "I think you broke her.."Monika giggled "Yuri..erm go sit and read I guess..I'll put everything back to order.."

(MoNiKa DiD HeR MaGiC)

Sayori finally stopped yelling 'huh?' For a while...Thankfully.
Yuri sighed Why did I...I'm so terrible why do I get so close to Natsuki..I won't be surprised if she never wants to talk to m- Yuri's thoughts were interrupted by a voice "Look at me...Dummy"It sounded like an angel...Natsuki? She looked up from her book that she wasn't really reading but sure enough it was a small girl standing in front of her...
It was Natsuki.

Got a little steamy~

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