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Natsuki was angry she glared at Yuri "Natsuki.."Yuri softly said "Don't 'Natsuki' me Yuri! BAKA! BAKAAAA! IDIOT!"Natsuki started to punch Yuri of course Yuri barely felt it Natsuki stopped punching and soon...

She mashed her lips on Yuri's like potatos with a knife~ Making mash potatoes Yuri kissed back forcefully enjoying it so much~


Instead Yuri got a slap it was soft Did natsuki not want to hurt me..? Because I know she can hit hard..maybe she isn't ma- "You know I'm mad at you
Y-Yuri for licking my ear!"Natsuki squeaked "I'm sorry..I didn't know what came over me please forgive me"Yuri said timidly "B-baka! It's fine..I guess just don't do it again okay?! BAKA!" She sure does love the word Baka.. Yuri thought she chuckled "W-what are you laughing at?!"Natsuki asked yelling Sayori and Monika looked over for second before continuing their talk Natsuki blushed in embarrassment from yelling to loudly she didn't speak Yuri instead spoke which surprised Natsuki..A little that is "Sorry sorry I just thought of something funny.."Yuri tried to pull the awkward tension away she faked a coughed "Natsuki..I was wondering maybe you would-" "Alright everyone I have a announcement!"Monika yelled trying to get everyone's attention they all turned to Monika "Sayori and I were thinking we should combine our poem styles to make a new poem as Sayori and me decided to be partners seeing how much we get along it should be easy for us!"Sayori soon took her  turn to speak "Also that makes you two parterns!"Sayori smiled brightly

Natsuki looked over at Yuri before she looked away slowly I have to spend time with Yuri..? To make a poem together? Our styles are sooo different this can't work! I HAVE TO MAKE MONIKA CHANGE HER MIND ON THIS- "That sounds like a wonderful idea!"Yuri smiled Natsuki blushed seeing Yuri smile..she felt fuzzy she hadn't really got used to seeing Yuri smile mostly because she would always have a shy smile or something like that but whenever she did smile and show her happiness made Natsuki..So happy "I-I..a-a-agree too..I guess"Natsuki said blushing madly soon Yuri's eyes met Natsuki's she blushed bright before turning away "It's settled then!" Monika smiled brightly "Since we only would have a few hours after the meeting I would suggest to do it on the weekend!"Monika said helpfully "Thank you..We'll keep that in mind.."Yuri looked at Monika "Not a problem now go back doing what you all we're doing! We only have about 5 minutes until the club meeting ends!"Monika then turned over at Sayori they talked what they were talking about Yuri didn't care even if she did care she wasn't able to hear them anyway she turned to Natsuki "Soooooo"Natsuki said trying to get their conversation back on track "I..erm..If you wanted you can come to my house.."Yuri paused "T-to do the p-poem of c-course.."Yuri played with her hair Natsuki couldn't help but smile Yuri was so...cute...
Soon she was blushing "Okay great"Natsuki didn't want to act so.. bitchy at least for one moment..a moment with Yuri..she felt butterflied fill her stomach "G-great"Yuri giggled "Maybe we can bake some cupcakes y'know just as a little treat for everyone because a whole day of creating a poem putting two styles would be hard soo it could be a reward!"Natsuki suggested Yuri already started to like Natsuki being less..What was the right word..?
Mad..? She didn't know but she liked ot when Natsuki let her guard down even a little "That's a wonderful idea Natsuki I could get the ingredients for you"Natsuki smiled "Thankd but I should go with you"Natsuki said "To make sure you get the right things that is!"Natsuki had her guard up but Yuri didn't mind it that much "Yeah I b-barely know the first thing about baking so i-it would be g-great that you c-could come!"Natsuki nodded "Yep well I should be packing up see you later Yuri!"Yuri nodded Natsuki went to her bag and put all her stuff inside Yuri sighed softly Why didn't I ask her? She went over to own bag and packed up soon it was the end of the meeting she walked out of the school with Natsuki discussing what they should bake "Maybe some cookies..?"Yuri paused "Sayori loves them so.."Natsuki nodded "I guess we can do that"Natsuki smiled softly "Welp I'll see you tomorrow!" No..no...not yet..Come on me! JUST DO IT! Yuri grabbed Natsuki's hand causing Natsuki to look back blushing "Y-yuri..?"Natsuki asked Yuri closed her eyes for a second before looking into Natsuki's eyes...

"Natsuki wait..I h-have to tell you that...uhhh..."Yuri was blushing madly "Come on Yuri I don't have all day just tell me!"Natsuki joked smiling Her smile is...so...sweet..it makes me feel so tingly...

Yuri took a several breathes"O-okay okay s-sorry I..meant to say..that..Can....you....

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