J u s t M O n i k A

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Natsuki and Yuri woke up they both were blushing madly as they stared at each other's eyes "Y-yuri.."Natsuki smiled "N-natsuki.."Yuri stood up from the couch taking somr deep breathes "S-s-sorry I was getting excited is a-all.."Yuri blushed madly Natsuki nodded "It's fine baka"She stood up as they both headed to Yuri's room "You can take a shower.."Yuri paused "I-if you w-want"Natsuki nodded smirking "Okay I will only if you go in there with me~"Yuri felt herself steam up "N-NATSUKI!" Natsuki laughed at her girlfriend's reaction.

"Hahaha! Kidding kidding"Natsuki laughter echoed throughout the house Yuri sighed softly before grabbing Natsuki's hand making them both head inside the bathroom "Okay we're taking a shower together"Yuri said Natsuki blushed heavily.

"Y-yuri..I w-was only kidding y-you don't h-have to"Natsuki felt Yuri's hand "No..I want to Natsuki"Yuri paused a soft blush appearing on her cheeks "I love you.."Natsuki giggled "I love you too..."Natsuki paused "NOW GET THOSE FUCKING CLOTHES OFF! LEMME SEE YOU'RE TRUE SELF!"Natsuki ordered Yuri nodded blushing.

Monika's P.O.V
I looked all around me seeing piles and piles of code I could never really see the true nature of this game.
Only bits and pieces that are...'important'
I wish I could just make this all end today right now....but to make sure it's finally done and over I need to wait...
For a few days at least..
I sighed at least I tried to
I opened the files and having an admin I went to a file and quickly clicked on the file.
She's about to do it...Finally...

Natsuki and Yuri changed as Natsuki tried to dry her hair "T-thanks for washing my hair Yuri"Yuri nodded with a peaceful look on her face "Not a problem sweetie"Natsuki blushed at nickname "Sweetie huh?"Natsuki giggled "I like it.."She whispered sighing softly "...honey"Yuri stared at Natsuki blushing madly "Hehe"Natsuki giggled at Yuri blushing she blushes sooo easily she so adorable!

"W-we need t-to head to s-school..."Yuri whispered getting up she quickly finished buttoning up her blazer she grabbed her and Natsuki's bag "L-let's go"Yuri walked Natsuki soon followed they started to walk to school.

Soon they arrived at the hell they called school Natsuki sighed "I don't wanna goooo"She whined "Go and do school work and I'll give you a kiss in the club"Natsuki ran inside the school "Byeee I love you!"Natsuki ran to her classroom.
Yuri giggled softly "I love you too"
She paused"Sweetie"

*time skip*

Natsuki ran to the club room ripping the door open only Yuri was there Where's Sayori..? I didn't see her all day.. I heard footsteps seeing Yuri was walking up to me "Hey Yuri-"Natsuki was cut off by a kiss she kissed back Yuri's heart was pounding in her chest Natsuki lend in cliser wanting all of Yuri's lips they soon separated from the lack of air they both panted heavily
"That was.."Natsuki paused "that was...w-wonderful"Natsuki blushed heavily "T-thank you.."Yuri smiled.

A creaking sound echoed the room they both looked over seeing Monika smiling it didn't feel like her normal smile..The feeling of love Yuri and Natsuki shared a few moments ago was soon gone they felt their heart beat stop.

Monika had never looked so creepy in her life..

"You kinda left her hanging~"

I Love You....Baka!(NATSUKI X YURI)Where stories live. Discover now