Just Monika.

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Monika stared at Natsuki from a distance "How about we all leave today's meeting?"Monika paused smiling "After all it seemed like a rough day for a few people we'll start back up on the club tomorrow"Monika saw Yuri and Natsuki still hugging before they stopped and grabbed their bags and went out of the class "Hey Sayori may I speak with you?"Sayori nodded "Sure Monika!"Sayori came over to the club president Monika had a grin in her face
Hehe poor Sayori...

Natsuki and Yuri held each other's hand as Natsuki started to tell Yuri why she acted the way she did "I just thought you'd be like Monika is all"Natsuki sighed "Sorry.."Yuri smiled wiping a tear away from Natsuki's eye "It's okay Natsuki...I understand" Yuri grabbed Natsuki's hand and kissed it "Y-yuri..does this mean..."Natsuki paused "W-we are a couple..?"She asked Yuri stopped Natsuki looked back excepting a response "If you want to be"she paused "Do you?"Natsuki only blushed madly
"Y-y-yes.."Yuri smiled amd continued to walk "I was hoping you would say that.."she laughed intertwining their hands "Natsuki may I ask you a question..?"Yuri asked "Yeah sure"Natsuki smiled "W-would you like to go on a date with me..?"Yuri asked looking away Natsuki looked up smiling "Of course"She lend to Yuri the smile still on her face "Can we go to a ice cream shop?"Natsuki asked Yuri nodded "Of course"

*Time skip*
They both walked inside the ice cream shop seeing a fee costumers Natsuki and Yuri walked to a table "Stay here Natsuki I'll get us ice cream"Natsuki waited as Yuri came back with two ice creams one was grape purple it looked tasty to Natsuki the ither was strawberry it was light pink.
"Gimme the grape"Yuri nodded passing it to her Yuri sat beside Natsuki "This taste great!"Natsuki exclaimed Yuri just giggled in response "Cute..."Natsuki blushed deeply "Baka I'm not cute"Yuri rolled her eyes "Yeahhh suree"Natsuki just pouted "Sorry sorry"Yuri rubbed Natsuki's cheek Natsuki just smiled "You're forgiven"Natsuki paused "For now~"
Soon they finished their ice cream Natsuki left a tip as they started ro walk to Yuri's home "Hey..Yuri can I stay over..? I don't want to go home.."Yuri nodded "Sure I'm sure you're Dad won't mind"Yuri smiled before soon they reached her home she opened the door and let her girlfriend in.

"Natsuki would you like to finish the movie we were watching?"Natsuki nodded "Yeah sure!"Natsuki took off her bad then Yuri did too they both went to the couch and layed on it Natsuki turned on the T.V and put on the movie as they snuggled together "Yuri?"Natsuki looked over at Yuri "Yes?"Yuri asked Natsuki blushed snuggling closer "I love you"Yuri just smiled "I do too..."
"I love you too Natsuki.."

Sayori's P.O.V
I walked from school it was getting late Monika made me stay over the club..Her words still filled my mind does she really feel that way about me..?
Does Natsuki and Yuri feel the same..?
I felt a pain in my chest it was my heart.
I always thought Monika was my best friend...I guess..She doesn't feel the same...
I'm just a worthless mistake...I don't deserve to live I sighed walking in my home.
I shut the door before walking up the stairs in my room I sighed falling into the bed.
My pain pulling me down

Her voice..sounded so truthful...Monika would never lie right..?
Maybe this will be the best for me...

...A maybe is better than nothing....she's right...
..I'll do it..

I Love You....Baka!(NATSUKI X YURI)Where stories live. Discover now