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(Self harm warning)

Yuri forcefully pulled away her eyes tearing up "I-I-I..N-Natsuki...I..."Yuri felt tears falling to her cheeks they wouldn't stop "I'm so sorry!"With that Yuri ran.
She felt ashamed Natsuki saw them her stupid fetish...she saw it.
Any chance she had with Natsuki would surely be down the drain.
Oh who was she kidding?
She never had a chance with Natsuki..she always knew it but was too selfish to realize now she fucked up her crush.

She hates me now doesn't she..?
I wouldn't blame her..
I'm so disgusting...

Yuri's P.O.V
I slammed opened the door still crying.
Showing weakness I slammed it shut making surr it was locked I sighed loudly my heart felt like it had a hole
No it felt like I had no heart...I just felt emptiness I slowly walked up the stairs and opened my door before shutting it I went over to my drawer "I'm so disgusting.." I reached in before feeling something cold touch my finger tips I smiled softly picking up...

A pocket knife I flipped it opened I walked over to my bed sighing I started to draw in my arm.
My thoughts.
My emotions.
Just what I wanted basically.

I drew with sliver.
It sent tingles up my spine soon the unbearable pain started ti settle in making me draw faster knowing the pain would slow down each time I drew.

I drew and drew
The drawing covering old ones.
From yestreday, last week, last month, and last year even..

I inhaled sharply the pain came back instead of drawing I just let the pain settle in I started to feel light headed I sighed trying to stay from passing out I felt my blood dripping to the sheets of my bed.

I didn't care.
My lips curved into a smile.


I jumped in surpise I looked at my phone Someone's calling..
I grabbed my phone before looking at the caller


I was about to hang up before my hand soon clicked on answer.

"Y-yuri?"I just took several deep breathes even inhaling air to keep me from sleeping "N-natsuki.."I whispereed softly "Yuri..Please don't tell you.."Natsuki paused "That you.." I smiled softly she can't say it..adorable...
"I did..I-I-I'm sorry.."No response I could hear Natsuki's heavy breathing "Y-you should r-really stop that.."Natsuki stuttered I giggled "You're nervous hm?"I took a deep breath "You're so adorable.."I felt myself feel fuzzy and warm "D-d-don't change the subject..Baka.."Natsuki pointed out before sighing "J-just..Does that stuff..get you.."Natsuki paused "T-turn on..?"Natsuki asked "I-I-I-I!" "N-natsuki!"I yelled blushing "S-sorry s-sorry!"Natsuki paused "J-just forget it..I d-don't care.."Natsuki laughed softly "J-just talk to me when you have the urge o-okay?"Natsuki paused "I care about you so much Yuri...

Yuri...I really do"I nodded to myself "I c-care about you too..Natsuki.."I smiled.
"Nice to hear..I should go I need to help my dad with some stuff..
Bye Yuri talk to you later..

Still remember I care about you..."

Natsuki paused I heard her taking deep breathes

I felt myself blushing deeply...


"I l-love you b-bye Y-yuri.."

I Love You....Baka!(NATSUKI X YURI)Where stories live. Discover now