Yuri yuri

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"WAKE THE FUCK UP!"Natsuki and Yuri yelled as they we're rudely awoke they both fell on their sides Natsuki felt Yuri fall on her Natsuki pushed Yuri away wantinh to yell at the person who disturbed them "MONIKA-"Natsuki stopped her yelling seeing it was..

Sayori "What the actual fuck Sayori?"Sayori was only smiling "Sorry~ but I needed to wake you up! The club meeting is over and y'know waking up in school in the weekend isn't the best thing hehe!"Yuri nodded slightly "Yes I get you have a point"Yuri stood up before grabbing Natsuki holding her in her arms
"H-h-hey!"Natsuki yelled "Thank you Sayori goodbye"Yuri then grabbed her and Natsuki's bag putting it on Suki she soon walks out the door with Natsuki still carrying her Natsuki stopped complaining "Natsuki you ready to head home? I can carry you home if you want I'm sure you're dad wouldn't mind right?"Natsuki just nodded "Sure..."Natsuki sighed softly "What's wrong Natsuki..?"Yuri asked "It's just..It feels..."Natsuki paused "Nice to be carried like this I guess.."Natsuki laughed "I sound stupid..."Natsuki just looked up at Yuri "Natsuki stop it stop saying that you aren't stupid what's wrong?"Yuri asked "Nothing I just feel fuzzy I guess"Natsuki inhaled deeply "You smell great though"Natsuki laughed "Thanks Yuri"Yuri was more than confused "No problem..?" Yuri said it sounded more like a question they soon arrived at Natsuki's house Yuri was about to put Natsuki down when Dad-suki came out the door he looked extremely angry but soon as he saw Yuri his expression changed he had a grin "Oh hello Yuri~"He said with a sing song tone "H-hello Dad-suki I came with Natsuki just to drop her off..I will go away as soon Natsuki gets dropped off "Yuri said about to let Natsuki get out her arms "No no no it's okay how about you spend the night? It is getting late and we could use another lady in the house"Dad-suki's said "S-sure"Dad-suki smiled "Great~"He smiled before letting Yuri inside the door with Natsuki in her arms "Lettt me outtt!"Natsuki rolled over falling on the floor she quickly got up "Yuri what are you thinking staying here?!"Natsuki whispered yelled "Eh..?"Yuri was extremely confused "Natsuki Natsuki.."Dad-suki had a toothy grin Yuri's heart fell into her stomach "Be a little kind to Yuri! Now how does dinner sound?"Dad-suki asked Yuri nodded "I can h-help..It would be reasonable for me..Being a guest and all" Dad-suki laughed "Hohoho! That's the exact opposite of what a guest should do just stay here me and Natsuku will make something!"Dad-suki patted Yuri before walking off Natsuki followed looking down "What's Natsuki's problem..?"she asked ib a whisper she's probably embarrassed..

Soon Yuri was called into the kitchen to eat they sat around a wooden table "This looks..great!"Yuri smiled Dad-suki just laughed "Thank you Yuri"Dad-suki sat down so did Natsuki then finally Yuri.
They started to eat Natsuki kept on looking over at her dad there was a tension in the air soon the dinner was over "That was amazing thank you once again"Yuri smiled "Do you mind helping me with the dishes? I need to speak with you."he took a pause "alone"Natsuki just went out the room she looked like she was shaking It wasn't cold... "Okay let's get to work"Dad-suki smirked "Okay..?"Yuri went over to the dishes and started to wash them Dad-suki didn't say anything nor helped he just stared at Yuri with a smirk.

"My my...You look amazing..."He said quitely before laughing "Hm?"Yuri turned back "Did you say something..?"she asked he just shook his head but his smirk never left his face "Nothing~"he chuckled "Nothing at all.."He giggled it sounded so wrong...

Yuri finally finished "I'm done erm Dad-suki where will I sleep?"Yuri asked "You can sleep in my room-" "YOU CAN SLEEP IN MY ROOM YURI!"Natsuki yelled Yuri nodded "That's fine with me!"Yuri smiled Dad-suki said nothing he walked away "Goodnight Yuri"He walked up stairs then slammed his door "Let's go"Natsuki grabbed my hand we went to her room she threw me on her bed as she locked the door "N-Natsuki..?"Yuri asked "Get into the bed Yuri.."Natsuki walked over and took off her shoes then yuri noticed she still had her school uniform on "Erm..Natsuki do you have any clothes I can borrow..?"Yuri asked Natsuki smiled "Yeah sure"she threw clothes at Yuri it was a little cutesy but Yuri didn't care "Where's the restroom..?"Natsuki pointed at another door Yuri hadn't even noticed it "Okay thank you!"Yuri went into it and quickly changed Natsuki of course changed in her own room

Yuri was about to step out when she noticed that the clothes had no sleeves..meaning she couldn't cover her cuts.

She was about to walk out showing herself.

Her true self with her cuts.

Her own messed up self.

Yuri quickly pulled away from the door she felt like crying she couldn't let Natsuki see her "Heyyy hurry up I'm tired!"Yuri sighed "This isn't going to end well.."

She gently opened the door.

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