Ch123: Maia's Talk

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There was one reason, and one reason only, that Maia was enjoying the blissful view through her apartment window in June. Her parents hadn't insisted she return home this summer. Instead, they'd informed her that they were going on a cruise. Maia knew the cruise included a trip to see her brother during his summer abroad, but she didn't care. It was so much better to be excluded than included when it came to her mom and dad. On some level, Maia knew they didn't mean to hurt her the way that they did. It was more likely that they were simply oblivious to the effects of their actions, unaware of their very obvious bias, and how it affected her. Even so, sometimes Maia couldn't help but wonder if maybe she wasn't as worthy of love as her brother. How could she not think that way, given the way her parents treated them both? It was usually just one thing that really kept her from truly believing it: Jordan. If she was so unworthy of affection, then why had he cared so much? In the end, she'd made a mockery of his love, but that couldn't destroy it's meaning.

To get through the summer, Maia had decided to get a job. It was her last summer before graduation, and it was well past time she waded into the realm of employment, no matter what her mother said. After hours working on resumes, and even more time spent handing them out, Maia had managed to get a job at a local grocery store. It was a little ways off campus, but too far of commute. She'd considered applying to Tim Horton's like Simon, but that would have meant working with Jordan too. Izzy, of course, didn't know what the meaning of work was, and had spent most of her summer lazing about or making out with her boyfriend. There were many annoying things about spending all your time around an obnoxiously happy couple, the worse of which was the singing.

"I love my boyfriend and my boyfriend loves me," Izzy sang as she puttered about.

"I'm Isabelle and my life's perfect," Maia mocked, her patience wearing thin.

"It is, isn't it," Izzy giggled. Maia just rolled her eyes. And Izzy started singing again. "Only three more hours. Three more hours. Simon's off work in just three more hours."

"I wish I was at work," Maia grumbled.

"Oh hush," Izzy scoffed. "Bat's been around here plenty."

"Not nearly so often," Maia replied. "And we aren't nearly so nauseating."

Izzy didn't have a reply to that, but rather decided to continue singing her happy song to herself, a little louder than before as she went about doing laundry.

"Have you heard from Alec lately?" Maia asked as a way of trying to get her roommate to stop singing.

"I got a half assed text reply this morning," Izzy sulked. "I asked for pictures and lots of details, and he just sent back 'busy winky face' Brat." Maia laughed out loud at Izzy's grumpy tone. "The only real replies I've gotten have been about the cats."

"Ah yes, how are the little felines fairing without their daddy and papa?" Maia chuckled, recalling the cat topper on their wedding cake.

"Needy," Izzy said. "To tell from Alec's texts, it sounds like those cats are giving Jace and Clary a run for their money."

"Oh come on," Maia scoffed. "How much work can two cats be anyway?"

"Catsby is on meds," Izzy reminded her. "And it seems Alec has taught them bad habits."


"Like sleeping on faces and kneading heads to get breakfast an hour sooner," Izzy replied.

"Another reason why I'm a dog person," Maia answered.

"Personally, I just don't really like pets," Izzy explained. "More work than their worth."

"Oh yeah?" Maia inquired. "And what does Simon think of pets?"

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