Ch149: Maia's Library

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Exams were once again upon them, and Maia was beyond grateful that this would be the last of them. Graduation was just around the corner and freedom beyond that.

Still, for the moment, on every inch of the campus there could be found a senior with their head buried in a book. It might have been due to this that Maia was now seeing Jordan more often working in the library. It's true he was only in third year, but Maia had a funny feeling he was taking a few fourth year courses. She smiled, and sometimes waved whenever she saw him before settling down to cram for her own exams. It was a nice little moment, and Maia found she looked forward to them. Sometimes the smallest gestures had the biggest impact.

Slowly each cramming session, and subsequent exam passed. Though she knew time was flowing at the normal rate, it felt all over the map as her last few weeks of university came to an end.

It was a strange feeling sitting in the library at her unusual table, knowing that this would be the last time she ever had to cram for an exam in this room. Well, unless she ever came back for her master's, and that was way to far off to contemplate at the moment.

It was a beautiful library, with tall ceilings and rows and rows of books beyond the counting, though, of course they were all counted, tagged and bar coded. It somehow ruined the poetry of the place, but still the warm wood paneling and comfy chairs created a welcoming environment.

From where Maia sat she could see Jordan with his head down writing with great concentration. Maia smiled for a moment as she looked at him. It had been weeks now that they'd been waving and smiling without speaking. The same thought that had been going around in her head for months reappeared as she observed him there. A thought she kind of wanted to express to him, but at the same time she didn't. Maia had come to enjoy the security of their small moments, and was scared an actual moment would crush it.

So instead, she choose a table, pulled out her books, and got to work. Only one exam left. Maia could see the light. She was almost through the tunnel that was her bachelor's degree.

The minutes passed slowly as she read and re-read the chapters she'd be tested on tomorrow. Her eyes blurred as she tried with all her might to focus. When Maia finally couldn't study any more she packed up her things, and headed home to find Sizzy making out on the couch. With a roll of her eyes, Maia walked past them to escape into her room.

This time tomorrow, it would all be over.

Despite going to bed early, Maia didn't sleep well that night, but this didn't surprise her. Making sure not to skip breakfast she headed to her exam and tried to pour all the information she'd forced into her head yesterday onto the exam paper in front of her.

When the teacher called out for everyone to put their pencils down, Maia breathed a sigh of relief. It was actually over now. No matter how she'd done Maia was finished University.

It was a strange feeling leaving that exam room knowing she didn't have anything else to study for. Despite this, her feet carried her to their usually destination: the library.

Somehow the room looked smaller now, though she knew this was impossible. She had no reason to be in here. She'd been looking forward to rewarding herself with a television marathon since her very first study session, and yet here she was, not in front of her tv. But why?

Then she saw why. Jordan was sitting where he usually sat with his head in a book. Now that the week was over she wouldn't get to wave to him in the library anymore. In fact, now that her school was over she wasn't even sure if she'd ever talk to him again. Once the marks were posted that was it. She'd likely never set foot on his campus again while he still had another year here.

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