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[A/N:Sorry for changing the cover so much. I like to change it until I find the perfect one for it!]

A/N: This is our first straykids fanfic so please read and vote on this!

Minho's Pov

I hear this stupid alarm telling wake up. I hit it then make my way to the bathroom. After I do my business I change my clothes and make my way downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Good morning Minho" my mother greets me.
"Good morning mom." I greet back.
"Hurry and eat breakfast so you can go to school."
I eat the breakfast, get my phone, also my backpack and leave.
"Get in loser we're going shopping." And that was my best friend Chan. He was waiting in his car for me along with my other bestfriend Changbin in front of my house.
"Seriously Chan." I replied.
"Yeah why are you like this " Changbin asked as I got in the car.
"I don't know Binnie why do you like dark." I try to hide my laugh at Chan's comment,but I couldn't. While me and Chan we're laughing,Chan started to drive to school.
"Why do I even talk to you guys?" Changbin questions as he huffed a sigh.
"Cuz you love us Binnie!"
"Don't call me that Chan."
"Whyyyyyy it's just as cute as you!!!"
"I'm not cute!"
I laugh at my friends stupidity.


Once we got to school, I went to the courtyard. I wanted to chill a bit before I go to class.

"SHUT UP BALDBUM" just my luck loud7/got7 came out to the courtyard. Got7 is one of the popular groups at Pop high School. It consist of Im Jaebum, Park Jinyoung, Mark Tuan , Jackson Wang, Kim Yugyeom, Choi Youngjae, And Kunpimook Bhuwakul, but we call him Bambam. They're known for being loud (of course) and their talents. Did I mention all the groups who are popular are either in a band/ group. Not just any old groups, but extremely popular ones all over the world. See this high school is for male idols. Yes there's only boys here.
"Yah! Bambam don't talk to you hyung like that!" Jaebum said as he hit the back of the Bambam's head. " Youngjae! Save me from your boyfriend." Bambam squeals as he hides behind Youngjae while the rest of got7 laughs.
Oh yeah did I mention being gay here is normal? I mean we are in a school full of boys. "Hey guys maybe we should be more quiet someone else is here." Jinyoung the most sane one in the group said. He still kinda crazy but the least in that group. I'm guessing he noticed me. "no no Jinyoung I was just leaving to class. Thanks anyways" I thank him.
"okay Minho!! See ya later!" Jackson shouted waving. I left right after that. I went into the school and went to my class. "LEE MINHO!!!!" I know that voice anywhere. That was Han Jisung. A boy who's a rapper, but is a good vocalist too. "Hello Jisung" I said while I sat in my seat. "And hello others." I say to the rest of my friends. " Min-O" That was my friend Felix, Australian guy who is a real life meme. "Felix I told you to stop calling me that"
"Felix if he told you to stop you should stop." Now that was my friend Woojin, kinda of looks like a dinosaur, amazing vocals. "Thank you Woojin I appreciate you" i tell him. Before Woojin could say anything the bell rang and class started.


"Pssst. Pssst." An annoying sound was coming from an obnoxious friend while I was trying to learn.
"Felix shut the hell up." I whispered, so only Felix could hear.
"Hyung Jisung is flirting with Jeongin."
"Okay what's your point."
It's not like Jisung isn't cute or anything. It's just I don't have feelings for him as all my friends say. They say I drool over him and stuff, but I don't.
"You need to protect what yours" Felix whispers back.
"He's not mine Felix."
"Yes he is"
"No he's not"
"You love him."
I shake my head no.
He shakes he head yes.
"Felix that's why you're in love with Changbin."
"I know I am"
"Mr.Lee and Other Mr.Lee Do you have a reason to why you are talking?" My teacher asks making me and Felix's heads turn straight to her.
"Well Minho over here won't accept that Jisung is his."
"Can you fucking stop. "
While I was cursing over here, which was a dumb idea, I could see Jisung blushing. Cute. I mean what.
"Well Felix and Minho both of you have Detention after school now." My teacher told me and Felix amusingly.
"fuck" I cursed. "Language Mr."

After my first 4 classes, it's finally lunch time. I have pwent to get my lunch where I sat with my friends. Well half of them. We have Felix, Changbin, Woojin, and Chan. Basically I'm a 5 wheel. No Felix and Changbin aren't a official yet,neither are Woojin and Chan, but I know they like each other. "Chan why don't you just ask Woojin out." I asked just to tease him a bit. "Because I'm still waiting on the perfect time to ask Min-O" Woojin looks at him with one eyebrow raised. " What makes you think I want to date you.Maybe I want Hyunjin." Woojin exclaims. Chan spit out the drink he was drinking. " you want that??!?" He pointed to Hyunjin's table. Where the other half of my friends were. Over there they had, Hyunjin obviously, Seungmin, Jeongin, And Jisung.
Changbin, Felix, and I started laughing up a storm. "Hyunjin is very handsome and he such a good dancer." "I think he's a rapper too" I add on. " Even better." Woojin said with a smirk on his face. "Okay then Maybe I want Jeongin. I would love another singer in my life." Woojin smirk fell. We all laughed at Woojin for looking like a kicked puppy.

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