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[A/N: thanks for 5k!]


"Where's Jisung? He's like 30 minutes late!" Chan begun to pace around the room, a habit of his when he's worried. "Hyung, I'm sure he has a reasonable reason to why he's late." Changbin states, "Ah he's right there!" Chan whipped his head to the window, behind him. "And he's with Wooseok?" Jisung went on his tippy- toes to give a Wooseok a peck on his cheek. The rest of 3racha watched in shock. Wooseok waved to Jisung and took his leave. Jisung opened the door to see his members disappointed?? "Jisung, you're late." Chan claimed, sighing. "What? Really?" Changbin put his hand on his shoulder, "yeah, but that's the past let's move on."


"How does this sound?" Changbin asked. "I think it doesn't work with the lyrics. It should be more hyped." Chan insisted. Changbin pressed a 3 different buttons on soundboard, "this?" Chan clapped his hands and exclaimed " Perfect! Jisung what do you think?" Jisung looked up from his phone for the first time in 30 minutes. "It's cool." Changbin got up from his seat, grabbed Jisung's Phone, and look at his screen. "You were texting Wooseok the whole time? Are you guys a thing now?" The now embarrassed male scratched the back of his neck and replied with " Sorta..." Chan, who also got up from his seat at this point, exclaimed "Yes or No, Jisung." "Yes." He confessed. Changbin threw Jisung's Phone back at him and luckily he caught it. Chan and Changbin took a seat once again. "At this part, Hyunjin will rap. The beat will sound really good with his voice." Changbin continued to talk about the song, as if nothing happened. Jisung on the other end was confused on what just happened. 'What the hell was that?'


"All we need is the bridge part, Which according to Woojin, Felix and I will me rapping." Minho told Hyunjin and Felix, whom were laying down on the floor, exhausted. "Ugh, hyung not to be rude, but why are you being like this?" Hyunjin questioned while trying to sit up, only to fall right back on the ground. "I'm not acting differently." Minho argued. The Aussie boy laying down behind Hyunjin finally spoke up, " He's acting like that because he's trying not to think of Jisung and that Wooseok boy." "So he decided to overwork himself and us?" "Exactly." "Hey! I'm right here you flavorless noodles!" Minho kicked both, making the pair groan in response.


The next day

"He's what!?!?" "Minho calm your tits," Changbin tried to calm him down. "You and this, this loser over here decide not to tell me that's he's dating fucking Wooseok!" Minho banged him head on the table. "To be fair, we just figured out yesterday." Chan said as he put fries in his mouth. Changbin lifted Minho by his jacket and exclaimed, " Minnie, all you want is his happiness right? Look over there," Changbin pointed at Jisung sitting with Wooseok, giggling. "He's happy with him, let it be." The lovesick and 'childish' male put a disgusted face on. He picked up his backpack and threw his food in the trash. "Fuck that." Minho was now no where to be found in the cafeteria.

[Jisung's Phone] [Messages]

Chan?Nah Chris

have you seen Minho?

Oh? You care now?

No the teacher just asked me
where he was in 5th period he skipped

Seriously? Well I haven't seen
him since lunch.


"Who you texting?" Wooseok said as he swung his arm around Jisung. Jisung shut his phone quickly, "It's nobody." The taller male raised and eyebrows, " let's skip 6th I know the place to go." Jisung removed Wooseok's arm and replied with, "What if we get caught?" Wooseok smirked, "No one's on the roof." He pulled the shorter male, dragging him behind him, up the 'secret stairway' to the roof. They say 'secret stairway' because it's only a secret to the teachers. Once they got there, they saw a figure. Turns out there was someone on the roof. Being the young and dumb kids they are, they walked closer to the figure. "Please don't give me detention." The Figure begged closing their eyes and clamping their hands together. "Minho?"

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