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[A/N: lowkey kinda short (at least for our standards for us) ]


Minho Pov

The school day finally ended and I was delighted. Until I remembered I had detention with the one and only Lee Felix. This was going to be a long afternoon. I started to make my way to the detention room. Once I got there I saw Felix,but I also saw someone else. " Jisung?" Jisung looked at me. "Hello Minho." He greeted.
"How did you get detention?" Jisung glares at Felix "Felix over here told my 6th period teacher that I called her a hoe, so here I am." Felix did this on purpose. Ugh he makes my life so complicated. " you have to admit the look on her face was funny as hell " Felix giggles. Tsk that trouble maker. "Got to go guys." "Felix where are you going?" Jisung asked curiously. " My house, I told the teacher I wasn't feeling well so it's only you two today." He said quickly, but not without living out a wink. " Felix, I swear t-" Felix was no where to be found. Suddenly my home room teacher came in. " You two are the only ones who are here for detention, so I'm going to just have you both read for a hour and leave. I'm not even going to be in here. Find a book to read bye" with that she was gone. "What a good teacher huh?" Jisung said as he rolled his eyes. I'm kinda nervous about being alone with him. It's not like I like him or anything. " ha ha ha" "Minho why are you laughing like that." Oh shit "like what?" " like you just walked in on something you weren't supposed to see." "When there's something so beautiful in front of me , it's makes me feel like I shouldn't be seeing it." what did I just say? why why why why. I'm a freaking idiot. Both me and Jisung turn a bright red.


The sky was painted with light purples and yellows. The sun was setting while a light breeze came in. "Minho" someone had tapped my shoulder. I turn and see someone as equally beautiful and breathtaking as the sunset. "Jisung" slowly I lean in and he does too. "Minho" "Minho" "Minho"

"MINHO!!" I bolted straight up. I pull my hands off the desk and look at the boy in front of me. Then I look around "Minho it's time to take our leave, our time has finished. You slept the whole time. What even is time to you." Jisung giggled. "Oh" "Come on Minho, lets go!" Before I could even respond Jisung takes me by the hand and takes me out of the class.


"Jisung, Do you wanna go get something to eat before we go our separate ways?" I suddenly said. Surprising both me and a cute boy in front of me. We are in the school courtyard, so if I asked any time sooner, I would be mad at myself. I don't know where that came from, but hey today has been very weird. "Of course hyung." His answer made a smile spread across my face, but what made my smile bigger is when I realized his hands were in mine.

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