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[A/N: been caught up in school, sorry for not posting]

No one's Pov

"Two tickets to see 'Grease' please." As you probably guessed, Minho took Jisung to watch a movie. A classic some people may say, but Minho had put a little twist on it. "Of course sir." The ticket seller and Minho exchanged money and tickets. "Have a good time!" "Will do! Thank you." Minho closed his window and started to drive into the lot. "Hyung, we didn't have to come here, we could have gone to a regular movie theater." Jisung states after Minho parked the car by a tree. "I know, but think a regular movie theater is nothing compare to 'Retro Drive in' " Minho puts his hands up, waving them in his face as if he was doing jazz hands. Jisung giggles, "Silly Minnie." "Look the movie is starting." Minho smiles at Jisung,then looks at the screen. Jisung in the other hand, looks at Minho and smiles. Minho turns head to Jisung, flashes a smile, and puts his hand on Jisung's thigh.

"Where are we?" Minho put a smirk on his face."Don't worry sweetie, it's not bad." Minho said,reassuring. By this time, the movie finished. Now Minho was taking his handsome prince to the next destination on the 'something you'll never forget' date. Minho had a hundred things going through his mind. All which included Jisung,worries of if he would like it. "We're here." Minho, who was driving the car parked. Jisung curiously looked around the place as he got out of the car. "A park?" Minho rolled his eyes and took a hold of Jisung by the hand, almost dragging him to where Minho desired. "Minho I don't know what you are trying to show here, but -" Jisung stared in aw.

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