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[A/N: this was written fast, I'm sorry if its all over. ps this is ending soon.]

"Second place is-" A crew member came running across the stage,not the same one as yesterday. He pointed to the card the mc was holding, making the mc look closer at it. Once the crew member was off stage, the Mc spoke, "I have to apologize. I have made a mistake." Every single person on the stage and in the audience, gave a confusing stare at the man. "Stray kids is not eliminated. They actually won this round." Jisung jumped onto Minho out of happiness and placed a kissed on his lips. "We're not eliminated!!!!" The mistake, I mean Mc cleared his throat. "Back to what I was saying, the group Actually eliminated today is..... (g)-idle. Which means Kard and Stray kids will be moving on to the last round."


The next day

"GUYS WERE IN THE FINAL ROUND!!" Jisung and Felix shouted insync as they were going to into the arena for as you read, the final round. Today it started earlier. Why, you may ask. The contestants will have to perform all there songs again. "I'm going to tell them we're here." Chan said as he walked over to the officials. "Guys what if we don't win.." Jeongin said in a low small voice. He may act like the 'maknae on top', but is he really like that? "Shh!"


"Everyone makes some noiiiiissseee!!!! We're going to start off your favorite showcase, with both teams doing the side tracks, then cover songs, and of course the title track. The two groups left are groups that have been neck to neck this past few days, now here they are final round. Also today, you guys can participate! Under your seats are a remote control looking thing, after seeing a round I will ask you to click a button. If you think Kard won this round, click the K. If you think Stray kids won this round, click the S. Remember the losing team will have to wait two years until they can debut. Now please welcome in kard!" Claimed a different mc today.


"I can't stop here
I can't stop her-"


A member of kard, Taehyung had slipped on the stage as the song finished. The crew members quickly closed the curtains as the mc jogged on stage. "Uhh, round of applause please! To get this thing moving on, Now Stray kids with Yayaya!"


The performance went smoothly, getting more and better reactions than from the first time they performed it. "It's that time! Please take out your voting pads and vote!" The audience clicked their preferred group.



It was finally time for the title track, the one that only matter basically. Needless to say, everyone was nervous. From the mc to the people in the crowd, worried their favorite won't win. "Hey, good luck!" Chan told Matthew, before Kard went on stage. "Thanks bro, good luck you too!" He shouted back as he got in position with the rest of his group.


Kard had performed and gave an amazing show with a song called "Don't recall" 'That's pretty good.' Minho thought, 'the dancing could be better though.' "Hey! Snap out of it they called us!" Hyunjin, slightly shook Minho. The nine membered group step on to the stage, "One, two, three fighting!" They whispered as they got into their places.
"I'm on a Hellevator!"

With that the song finished with a bang. As they walked off stage, Chan spoke up, "Guys, if we don't win tonight. I want to all know that we're still winners inside. We worked so harder and it won't go to waste in the future. On the count of three stray kids," he put his hand out in the middle, everyone followed. "one, two, three... Stray kids!" Meanwhile on stage, "Everyone put in your final votes. In about five minutes will announce the winner and which company, they be going into."


"Ladies and gentlemen the results have arrived." The mc waved the envelope in the air. Both groups were already on stage, link hands with their own groups. "Drumroll please......the winner is.........." he opened the envelope, "Stray kids!" [A/n: surprise surprise] All members jumped up and down, hugging each other. "And they'll will be going into Jyp entertainment where successful artist such as Got7, Twice, Wonder girls, 2pm, and more came from! Congratulations!!"

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