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"I-" Minho dashed past the 'new couple' like a track star. He practically jumped down the stairs and made it to the first floor. Once there, the track star took it upon himself to go in the janitors closet. Minho opened the door, got in, and closed the door silently. His heart was pounding, palms were sweaty, and his head was swirling. They say when you love someone, you should let them go, but why was it so hard for him to let Jisung go? He wanted Jisung to live life to the fullest with no worries, no regrets, and joy. 'If I can't give Jisung everything he wanted, Wooseok could. All this was, was a sign. A sign that I'm not enough for him.' He thought as a tear ran down his cheek. Silent sobs came from the closet as Minho felt more and more sorry for himself. Soon the bell rang and Minho dragged his feet to 7th period. Today was advisory, which means 7th was basically a free period. Minho stared down at his feet while walking and didn't notice someone in front of him. "I'm sorry" He said in a quiet voice looking up at the person. "Watch where you're going punk." Minho give a quick glare at Wooseok, before nodding slowly. "Fucking loser." Wooseok scoffed before turning the other way.


Woojin, Hyunjin, and Jeongin stared at Minho. He was sitting on his desk with his hoodie on and his head down. Woojin began to whisper, "What do we do?" Jeongin shrugged, "He came in with a 'Ive been crying' face so" Woojin agreed, "Should we call Jisung?" "No, No he might be the cause of it. Call Chan" Hyunjin swiftly disagreed. "Yeah your right he is the cause of it." Minho stood up, sniffing. The three watched in surprise. He wipes his tears with his hands and took his leaving early. The teacher stood up and called for the crying male to comeback, but Jeongin stopped him. "Mr. Moon just let it pass please." Mr. Moon sighed and states, " Fine."

[Chan's Phone] [Messages]

Audition team

Today, all of us practice.
Usual practice room.

Woojin yes sir

Seungmin are we learning the dance today?

Yes. Plus you will get your lines
and new song will be introduced.

Jeongin okay got it.

Changbin if you won't attend, speak now.

Hyunjin I will be going, but Minho hyung won't.

Felix why?

yeah why?

Hyunjin uhh certain reasons


Felix ....

Hyunjin ....

Jisung hey guys! What did I miss?
Read 2:36pm

Jisung guys?


The rained began the second Minho stepped outside. It stared with a light drizzle, soon came the rain everyone hates. The heavy rain, with thunder and lightning. The one that turn off your electricity and makes you feel down in the dumps. Luckily for him though, that rain was good for hiding tears. He continued to let it all out while getting soaked, taking his time to get home.


It was around three when Minho had arrived home. He wasn't going to get scolded nor bothered because his family wasn't home. He went up to his room, threw his backpack to the side, and plopped himself on his bed, pulling the blankets upon him. By now his tears had stopped, though he still felt incomplete. Staring at the wall, may have seems like a hobby to Minho now. Staring at the wall and getting lost your own thoughts that is. 'Enough is enough' He had been in the same position for an hour and finally decided to go back to his regular 'teen life' to get over it. Of course he still felt the way he did, but what will scrolling through instagram change about it?

[Minho's phone] [instagram]

Liked by canyoufelix, woojinnie, and 28 others Bangbangchan food is good

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Liked by canyoufelix, woojinnie, and 28 others
Bangbangchan food is good


Babyjeongin we love feed kings

Binnie97 ^skinny legends here

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Minho chuckled a little at the pictures, then scroll to the next post.

Liked by jo_jinho_ptg, ptg_official, and 1090 others ptgwooseok @squirreljisung 💞

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Liked by jo_jinho_ptg, ptg_official, and 1090 others
ptgwooseok @squirreljisung 💞


yutoda congrats??

unigase is he dating him?!

stanptgthots I knew he was gay

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Minho stared at the screen for a second or two before gritting his teeth together, shouting and throwing his phone at the wall. His breath got shorter and shorter. Manic laughs surrounded the room, it didn't last long for those laughs turned into sobs.

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