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[A/N: thank you for 6k! Also long chap ahead beware]

The next day

It was Friday, the best day of the week some say, for the audition team it was turned out to be the worst day of the week. For starters, Minho didn't go to school. Although everyone in the audition knew why, because they also saw the instagram post, they pretend not to, especially Jisung. Fast forward to practice for the auditions, oh and not mention they only had about 3 weeks (maybe less) until round 1. And don't you worry Jisung kept his promise to buy Jeongin food everyday. The audition team is a complete mess. Jeongin and Seungmin are fighting over a spot, Hyunjin and Felix forgot a part of the dance they were supposed to teach, Jisung would completely ignore Woojin when he asked about his relationship with tall jerk, and no one listened to Changbin or Chan. On the bright side..... there is no bright side. Chan who obviously was tired of hearing everyone talk at the same time, screeched, "OKAY LISTEN UP, WE ARE GOING TO LEARN THIS DANCE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! YOU WILL GET LINES AND PLACEMENT AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO WHOEVER IS TEACHING OR SPEAKING!! UNDERSTAND?" The others all spoke in sync "Yes sir." "Great!" Chan said in a cheering voice, "Hyunjin and Felix the floor is yours."


2 hours later

Hyunjin called out to everyone before leaving, "Party at my house @10 tomorrow! Don't be lame, pull up!" "Uhh, I don't know about that." Woojin lowers his head, scratching the back of his neck. Changbin put his hand on Woojin's shoulder, "it will be fun! Come on bro" The other's nodded their head in agreement. He looked at Chan with pleading eyes, leading Chan to speak up, "Come on guys if he doesn't want to go, don't force him." The youngest of all, exclaimed "Hyung please" "okay fine. I'll go" "YAY!" Chan shook his head, "alright guys come on let's get out of here."


Saturday night, the big party. Everyone in school was in invite as Hyunjin knew anyone who was everyone. Even girls and boys from another schools were invited. This one of the reasons Woojin didn't want to go. He didn't have social anxiety or anything, he just didn't like that so much people will be there. "Jinnie, stay by my side the whole time." Chan said to him while holding hands with each other in front of the 'prince' Hyunjin's mansion. Woojin took a deep breath and walked in. The mansion reeked of beer and sex. This smell made him uneasy. "Hey!! Woojin! Chan! Glad you could make it!" Hyunjin yelled at his friend over the loud music with a red solo cup in his hand. "Want some?" Before they could answer, Hyunjin got them both their own cup of who knows what. A small 'thank you' was heard by Hyunjin from Woojin. Soon 'Channie' and 'Jinnie' went to the third floor, yes third floor, and sat where there weren't much people. Meanwhile Jeongin, Changbin, and Seungmin we're in the backyard. Seungmin was on one side, chugging down a bottle of beer while Changbin played spin the bottle with some people from school and their little baby Jeongin was swimming in the pool thankfully drinking nothing.


1:00 am

As expected by now everyone was drunk out of their minds. About an hour ago, Minho and Felix, yup Minho and Felix you read that right, arrived on the second floor. How did Minho get here exactly? Of course his beloved friend dragged him. Saying things such as 'you'll forget here!' 'Come on let's just get drunk!' The Aussie is probably turning crazy, but that doesn't matter now, because Minho is here. Now on the floor they were on, was the dance off floor. Everyone on the floor was in a circle watching the two in the middle dance. At this point in time, the challengers were Minho and Wooseok's friend Hyojong. Hyojong went first with a popping dance. After finishing his dance the crowd cheered, those cheers came to a stop though when Minho stepped forward. Minho hand his beer to Felix and began to b-boy. Soon the crowd cheered and called it a draw. The dance battle had a few more challengers, then it was back to your regular party, drinking and dancing. "Come on let's go up here!" Jisung shouted as he pulled Wooseok to the dance floor on the second floor. All night the pair had been on third floor. About 30 minutes later Jisung was more drunk than before. While Minho who was minding his business on the other side of the floor, was actually quite sober. He never was a huge booze person. Suddenly somebody had tapped his shoulder
"Hey Minnie." Minho turned his head to see Jisung in front of him, with a seductive look.
"Hey." Jisung tilted his head a little to the side, keeping eye contact with him somehow. "I heard you've been lonely lately ..." His fingers started to trail up Minho's shoulder. Minho pushed off his hand, trying to keep his cool "and I heard you have a boyfriend named Wooseok keep it that way hm?" Without warning, the younger boy grabbed the older by his collar, smashing his lips on Minho's. The older almost gave in, when he heard "Get off my boyfriend!" He was so loud that the DJ heard and stopped the music as Wooseok pulled them apart. Jisung walked in front of Wooseok before speaking, "oh darling, the whole relationship was fake, you said so yourself!" Abruptly gasps crowded the room. "So let's take a guess what gonna happen shall we?" Jisung continued, " we're gonna break up yeah? And I'll go back to Minho over here." "Um, I di-" "GUYS HELP!" A sudden shout came from their Chan, who just bursted through the doors. "It's Woojin Guys, please." Felix (yeah he still was there) , Minho, and Jisung quickly ran out the door to follow Chan. "Let's take the stairs it's faster!!" The gang ran up the 2 flights of stairs to get to the 4th floor. Chan spoke again, "i heard Woojin, shouting and crying in here, so I tried to open it, but it's locked." Minho, being the fast thinker he was came up with the idea to pick the lock. "Felix, give me a credit card." Thankfully, he did and Minho began to work. He lined up the card with the latch and push it in the between the latch and door. Just like that the door popped open revealing Hongjoong trying to take off Woojin's clothes, who was disagreeing and crying. Chan immediately pounced on Hongjoong, throwing punches left and right. Each punch with something in between. "You" punch. "Fucking" punch. "Son" punch. "Of" punch. "a" punch. "Bitch" punch. Nobody tried to hold him back, they thought, no knew he deserved it. While that's happening, Felix tries to console Woojin, whom was in the corner rocking back and front with knees to chest. Once Hongjoong was unconscious, Chan dusted off his pants and stated, "I can't believe he did it again-" "AGAIN?" The others said in chorus. "Why is he not in jail?" Jisung questioned. Chan sighed, "They didn't have enough evidence that he actually raped Woojin,  now we have evidence of it almost happening a second time. Anyways Minho call Hyunjin and tell him to end the party and Jisung call the police." "I'm on it." "Me too."
Soon the police arrived and no one except the nine friends and Hongjoong were there along with them. Of course the police took him away this time. There's Woojin and Chan's happy ending, but where was Minho and Jisung's?

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