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No ones Pov


As soon as Jisung got to the safe and comforting place he called home, he went straight to his room. Not even sparing a 'hello' to his mother and his father. He plopped himself of his bed and stared at the celling. A few seconds later, he pulled out his phone. Quickly he went to messages to find his best friends number.

[Jisung's phone] [text messages]



what now JISUNG

I'm your hyung

Idc what happened


slow down

then you speed up

No time for references!

Minho kissed me and I
   kinda of sorta liked it

You act like you don't have feelings for him

I mean yeah but what if he hurts me
Does he even like me

He kissed you.

I don't deserve this sass

And I don't deserve to hear this bs

Watch your Language fetus

WaTcH yOuR lAnGuAgE fEtUs


Jisung sighed as he shut his phone and threw it to the side. He look up at the celling again,getting lost in his thoughts. 'Those plump, pink lips were so soft. It felt like I was kissing a cloud.I could just kiss it for- Hey! Brain don't think like that!" After arguing with himself for a good 30 minutes, Jisung found himself in this place where he could only thing of one thing.

'Lee Minho'

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