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[A/N: I think I'm going to start writing in only 'no one's Pov' because I like it better 🤷🏽‍♀️]


No one's Pov

Minho was on his way to his 5th period when he heard what he thought was a stampede of bulls.He made his way to where the sound was coming from. What he found was a big crowd of students around the announcement board. Many students were causing a ruckus, yet Minho still heard this one conversation. "SAMMY CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?" Minho saw a boy who spoke while jump up and down pulling on his friend. "NO,HAJOON I CAN'T" The boy's friend, which he assumed was Sammy, yelled back. 'What's this about?' Minho thought. He pushed it aside and went to his class. Thankfully he got there right before the bell rang.


The final bell has rang and every student has fled the school. Minho started walking home by himself as he usually would do, but something stopped him. That something was Seo Changbin and Bang Chan. "MINNNIIIEEEEEE!!!!" Of course that loud and annoying shout came from Chan, who was coming towards Minho with Changbin following. Minho groaned as he turned to see his best friends. Both his best friends looked so cheerful and full of energy. Minho decided to question them. " why do you guys look a little too excited today?" Changbin pulled out a folded paper from his pocket. As he unfolded it and showed it to Minho, he said " Auditions for a new group is coming soon,THIS COULD BE OUR TIME!!" Minho's face lit up. Chan snatched the paper from Changbin hand. "It's says 'Auditions May 9th , 4 or more members,must composed your own song, and make your own choreograph.' Dude you can make the choreography with Felix and Hyunjin, while me, Changbin, and Jisung make the song!That's like a whole two months!" Chan stated excitedly. Minho thought about this for a second ."But we need some singers." "BROOO WE HAVE WOOJIN, JEONGIN, AND SEUNGMIN" "one stop yelling Chan I swear and two that's not a bad idea." Minho only nods to agree with what Changbin said. "Wait did they say Jisung will make the song with them?I swea-" Minho rambled quietly yet Chan and Changbin still heard. " In case you forgot, your boyfriend is in our mini group '3racha'" Changbin said slightly amused. "Oh yeah, I gu-" "BYE MINHO " the duo he called his friends screamed then left. 'I swear why do I even call them my friends.' Minho shook his head and finally started heading home again.


Minho was peacefully sleeping when he heard *BEEP BEEP* Being the light sleeper he is, he woke right up. He didn't check his phone though after that,he simply tried to go back to sleep. *BEEP BEEP* 'stop texting me damn it.' Minho thought as he put his pillow over his head. *BEEP BEEP* *BEEP BEEP* *BEEP BEEP* "Oh my god seriously!" Minho frustratedly yelled as he threw himself up and grabbed his phone. He look at the screen and saw

[Minho's Phone] [text messages]

Chan added You,Changbin, Woojin,Hyunjin,Jisung,Jeongin, Seungmin, and Felix to a groupchat.

Chan guys we are all going to be joining together to Audition as a group

Hyunjin I didn't agree to that tho

Woojin ^



Changbin oh come on it will be fun

Jisung and we might get famous off of it

Jeongin I mean yeah but how are we going to do it

After seeing these messages,Minho decided to text them back.

why do you guys decide to text at 11 pm

Chan Minnie! You're up!

Felix Grandpas up how was your sleep

I will cut you Felix

Chan anyways we'll split into three groups for the three factors then join again to teach other then all do it. 3racha will produce and write the song, Minho, Hyunjin, and Felix will make the dance, and Woojin, Jeongin, And Seungmin will spilt the lines and work out what parts could use what notes.

Jeongin I still don't agree

Hyunjin yeah me either I'm out

Woojin same

Felix I'm not feeling it

Seungmin no gracias

Jisung so the only people who actually want to do it is Me,Minho,Chan, and Changbin?

sadly yes

Changbin hmm okay then

Minho shook his head in disbelief and turned off his phone. Right after that he grabbed his soft blanket and snuggled up to it. Not even five minutes later, he was in dreamland.

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