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Jisung Pov


I ran and ran and ran. I finally took a break, trying to catch my breath, when I see a big bright sign saying 'EXODUS LIBRARY'. Maybe I can take my mind of that-tha-that thing at the library. The name sounds so familiar, yet I can't put my finger on it. I push the door open and go in. I look around to see the place looks quite designer? This place looks like it's for the rich and famous. Is that music I hear? It's quite upbeat, it's the type to put you in a good mood. Is this a club or a library?
"Is there anything I can help you with?" I turn on my heels and see Byun Baekhyun? Byun Baekhyun! I knew the library name was familiar. It's ran by exo I'm guessing. Exo another famous group from my school. Has 9 members (Kim Jummyeon, Kim Minseok, Kim Jongin, Kim Jongdae, Do Kyungsoo, Oh Sehun, Park Chanyeol, Zhang Yixing, and Byun Baekhyun)used to have 12. I just keep bumping into the famous groups today. What's next big bang or monsta x or maybe even block b! I can meet Zic- "Hello sir. " Baekhyun asks as he waved his hand in my face. "I'm sorry I spaced out. What did you ask me?" I mentally slap myself for daydreaming. He sighed and spoke " how can help you?" I took a deep breath and starting to speak "Well i don't know what to do I been liking this boy, Lee Minho since like forever and I went on a semi date with him today and he kissed me i ran and ran after that though because I don't know if he was being serious or just teasing this all wouldn't had happened if my annoying ass friend Felix would have not have said I called my teacher a hoe which I didn't then I got detention and before that he got Minho detention in my first period plus he also got detention fast forward to after school and Felix decided to pull a fast one and tricked the teacher saying he was sick and left detention then it was only me and Minho who is very cute by the way but also very weird I like that about him though did I mention he also puts in clothes in bundles that's the new thing an-" Baekhyun's pointer finger was placed over my lips. "I think you should stop. Just accept him. I was like that right before me and my boyfriend started dating." He chuckled a bit. "Chanyeol?" He put a disgusted look on his face. " ew no, Sehun." I choked on my own spit. "Just kidding, yes Chanyeol." He grinned. This dude I swear. " Anyways go to him go goooooo" Baekhyun said as he was pushing out the door. I guess I'm going to him.

Yeah no I'm not. If he really likes me, he can come to me.

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