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No one's Pov

"Oh my goddess what am I going to wear?" Hyunjin paced back and forth in his room. If you were to look at Hyunjin's room right now, you'd would think a tornado had happened,shirts, hoodies, jeans, and shoes scattered all over. Hyunjin picked up a white shirt with a rainbow flag on it, " Uh......yeah no." He threw it to the other side of his room. He looked around a bit then gasped when a certain piece of clothing caught his eye. Quickly he picked it up and put it on. The shirt he picked up was a black shirt with 'icon.' written on it in big bold white letters. After that he starting to search for his phone to see the time. He skimmed through all the clothes on one side of the room then moved to the other side to do the same. Soon he realized that his phone could only be in one place. Immediately he jumped on his bed, throwing clothes left and right until he found it. He clicked the home button to see that the time was now 6:25 pm. "Shit!" He quickly ran out his room and ran out to the hallway. He saw his mom pass with her phone in her hands,eyes glued on it. "Honey, you don't have pants on." Hyunjin looked down as soon as she said that. "fuck"

[Minho's Phone] [Messages]

Loves 💞
(Jin and Jimin)

Can y'all do me a favor and take
my friend Felix skating?

Jin yeah why not

Jimin okay

you'll need to convince him to join my audition team too and I will say I'm going to be there
but I'm won't thanks guys

Jin pause pause

Jimin you want us to do that?

Yes I literally just said that

Jin I didn't need that sassy, but okay then we'll do it

Jimin we will?

Jin yes!

Jimin isn't he the one dating Changbean or Changbin or whatever?

ChangBIN and yes

Jimin oh okay

Jin Minnie tell Felix on Saturday @3 pm

Jimin I have a date!

Jin I didn't ask

Jimin 🙄

You guys are going to do it right?

Jimin I mean ig

Jin ofc

Thank you thank you!

Jin np

Jimin 👌🏻


"Thank you sir" Seungmin said as he closed the car door. Since Seungmin doesn't have his license yet (he's working on it), he took an uber to the pizza place. He walked with a pip in his step, searching for Wonpil. He scanned the room only to find Park Jinyoung, who was sitting with someone. He didn't who it was because he could only see the back of this person's head. "Hmm" Seungmin hummed. Almost immediately Jinyoung heard him. He must of been extremely loud or this guy really has super hearing. Before he knew it, Jinyoung gestured him to come over. A little confused, he walked over to the table anyways. "Oh there you are!" Seungmin said once he saw the other person. "And here you are! Nice to meet you." Wonpil smiles brightly as him and gestures him to sit down with them. Once Seungmin got settle he started to speak " I bumped into Jinyoung here, so I decided to ask him to join us. It turns out that he has someone who he's supposed to meet here too!" Jinyoung looks at his watch, " He seems to be a little late though." "I'M HERE!" Yes, you guessed it. It was Hyunjin busting into the place. He got a few stares from people at the pizza place, but luckily for him there wasn't a lot of people there. Hyunjin ran to the table, where he saw Jinyoung and two others, whom he didn't recognize. "I'm sorry I was late, I-" "Hyunjin!?" "Seungmin!?"

[Jisung's phone] [messages]

Bacon Hyung 🥓

Baekhyun hyung, are we still going to do
the vocal coaching plan on Saturday at 3:30pm?

Wait lemme go over this
You told Woojin that, tomorrow I will
teach him some vocal tips with you?
And for him to meet us at my
company building?

Yee Yee

Never said that again

Damn okay


The k thing seriously?
Read 7:02pm

[Minho's Phone] [messages]

Lix 😤

Saturday you and me ice skating @3

How about no???

Jin and Jimin will be there.

From bts!?!?!

No from red velvet
Of course from bts

Shit that's a bet I'll be there

In 3...2...

Ima need a ride tho

Call an uber fucker

You know what I hope you
choke on a bts light stick

I mean I can call Jin and cancel this 🤔

No no no saranghae oppar
I'm sorry 💗💕💞😍💓💖💞😍

Why am I friends with you


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