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Jisung Pov
[A/N: We decided to switch it up a bit]

Lee Minho, someone I had an eye on ever since I've came to this school. See I came in the middle of freshman year. I didn't really know anyone at the time until I met Jeongin and along with him I met Seungmin, Hyunjin, and Felix. Soon after that, Felix introduced me to Changbin,Woojin, Chan, and Minho. I love all of them with all my heart. I would even say they made me who I am now. There being nine of us in the friend group, it's make it us very unique. Everyone one has a different personality, but Minho's is the one that stood out me. He could be a sarcastic dude at times, then suddenly could turn into the softest softie ever. Also around other people he acts normal,but around me he's somewhat nervous?

"Jisung, we're here." Minho cut off my thoughts and dragged me into Bts Cafe.
This Cafe is ran by the famous group Bts, who also go to our school. Bts has 7 members, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin,Min Yoongi , Jung Hoseok, And Jeon Jungkook. They are known for their great songs, that they produced and write [A/N: I think ]
"Hello welcome to Bts Cafe! What can I get you?" A cheering boy at register said.
"The usual ChimChim." Minho replied with his hand still in mine. I cocked one eyebrow up and turned my head slightly. Minho knows Bts personally?
"You know him like that??" I asked. "He used to go on tour with us. He was a backup dancer." Someone spoke from behind us. "Jin hyung!" Minho exclaimed cheerfully, a little too cheerfully if you ask me. Minho let go of my hand and went to hug him. They both let go. "Who's this boy,Minho?" "Is he your boyfriend?" Jimin said teasingly. " Not yet." Minho claimed. My checks immediately heat up.

Minho Pov

I think I can confirm, that definitely like Jisung in that way.


Jisung Pov

"Here's your food and drinks." A waiter said as he put the food and drinks on the table.
"Thanks Yoongi hyung." Minho thanked him. " Hey! And good luck with Jimin!" Minho kind of shouted. Yoongi simply nodded and walked away. "Jisung, do you like me?" Minho suddenly asked. "W-what? N-no?" I questioned looking down. Why am I the nervous one and not him! Where's his nerves? Damn it! "So if I did this, it wouldn't matter?" He lifted my chin up and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I almost gave in, but I didn't. I pushed him away quickly, grabbed my belongings, and rushed out the cafe.

[A/N: if y'all are confused, Minho was nervous about Jisung before because he was in denial that he liked Jisung. Then after spending time with him, he realized he actually likes him.Thus making him not nervous around him and making him flirty.]

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