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He saw people dancing so gracefully,waltzing around to an instrumental, males wearing white dress shirts and black slacks while females also wore white dress shirts with black high waisted pleated skirt. The whole courtyard covered in flowers, firefly lights hanging from corner to corner. The dancers all mirrored each other and all spinned to middle, making a perfect line. When they spinned back to their original spots, they revealed a singing Minho slowly walking to Jisung.

"I love you. Just for now, I don't want to hear sad songs
I love you. Escaping and escaping, I finally got to this room

This isn't a love where I was forgiven for everything
The two of us are like abandoned cats
This room is like an empty box, covered in fallen leaves
So you, with a crying voice like a kitten's... "

Minho gently grasped Jisung, bring him towards the dance floor, dancing along side all the other dancers as he continued to sing.

"On this creaking bed, instead of holding gentleness
If we can hold each other tightly
And then we'll close our eyes again
With a sad song, for this love not to fade"

The older spinned the younger,

"I love you. The two of us, who are too young
There's an untouchable secret in our love
I love you
I can't arrive at that, in my life right now

The love that piles up and lives on as one
We're only seeing a dream and being hurt
Hearing "I love you" over and over,
You can't even go on living without this love

On this creaking bed, instead of holding gentleness
If we can hold each other tightly
And then we'll close our eyes again
With a sad song, for this love not to fade"
[A/n: this is the song in the video.]

The music came to end as Minho spoke, "Han Jisung, will you do me the honors of being my boyfriend?" The younger unconsciously had tears falling out, "I would love to." The older took a hold up of the younger's chin to connect their lips. Everyone in the courtyard clapped as they pulled away.
Maybe fairytales do exist.


The next day, three hours before auditions

"I said they the best, that's tru- OW!"
Hyunjin had tripped on his own feet, causing him to fall. Chan immediately stopped the music. Seungmin dropped to his knees, "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm cool. I'm breezy." The older said. Changbin, who was spectacle about this, said "okay then let's practice again."

"I want everyone to back here exactly one hour before auditions start. Go home and take a shower. You all need it." Everyone gather there up their belongs and began to take their leave. They all seemed to leave in pairs. Felix and Changbin, Hyunjin And Seungmin, Chan and Woojin, Minho and Jisung. Poor Jeongin left by himself. Well actually his mom picked him up. In the meanwhile Jisung and Minho hopped into the older's car. They're going to 'Minnie's house because Jisung left his outfit there.......sure let's go with that yeah?
Moving on, once they arrived, there were greeted to an empty house. "Typical." The older mumbled. "Huh?" "Oh nothing." The pair continued to walk up the stairs to Minho's room. "I'm going to shower." The younger hummed as he sat on the older's bed.

20 minutes later

"I'm done." When Jisung looked up from his phone, he saw a half naked Minho, with only a towel around his waist. "Oh my god!" The younger covered his eyes with his hands, dropping his phone. Minho chuckled, "You can look you know." "Uhh No thank you" The younger got up, still eyes covered, "I'm just gonna go shower. Ha ha ha" Bam! Jisung hit his head on the door. "Fuck!" Minho's laughs crowded the room as he walked closer to Jisung. The younger tried to grasp anything he could while closing his eyes. The thing he grasps just had to be Minho's towel. "Oh my god oh my god" Bam! Jisung had hit his head on the door once again. He opened his eyes forgetting about the situation, "NO NO OH MY GOD" Immediately he closed his eyes. "MY VIRGIN EYES!!MY VIRGIN EYES!" Jisung screeched as his gained his senses. He ran inside the restroom and slammed door.

An hour before auditions

Minho and Jisung had arrived just on time at school. "Hey guys." The older said as they walked in. He was wearing black ripped jeans with a leather jacket matching with Jisung. The others wore similar outfits, going with Woojin's 'casual' idea. "Hey! We're gonna practice one time and then we're gonna go practice on stage." Chan exclaimed. The pair nodded getting into their position, after putting their stuff down.


When the gang arrived at the auditorium, they heard a song that gave 'summer vibes'. There were two girls and two guys on stage. The performance was going pretty well, until one guy slipped. The other male, who was way taller than rest, helped him up and continued to rap. Chan suddenly whispered, "if that happens to us, do what he did." Once they finished all nine members clapped causing the 4 on stage to bow. "Uh Stray kids?" "We're here!" "You're up!" They ran up the stage and got in position. "We're ready!"

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