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no one's Pov

The next day

"Hurry the fuck up Jisung!" "Woojin I swear to god Ima gonna kick your ass!" "Do it, I dare you"
Jisung gave up, knowing he wouldn't win and walk up the stairs faster. It was 2:55 when Woojin and Jisung arrived at the Sm company building. They were going to meet Baekhyun as planned, but a slight delay happened. See Baekhyun wanted to meet on the seventh floor and the elevator was broken. Now the time was 3:08. "look we're finally on the seventh floor." Woojin looked around a bit, "I see. What room are we meeting him in?" Jisung thought about a second before answering "uh room 506" "we're in front of room uh" Woojin moved closer to the door, where is said the number, "Seventeen." Jisung threw his head down and arms up while groaning. "This is going to be a long ass ride"

[Felix's phone] [message]

Minhoooeeee 🤠

Oi where are you?

Ima be a little late, I told Jin and
Jimin to pick you up.

I knew yo bitch ass wasn't finna pick me up

Fuck you

Sorry only Changbin can ;)


Damn I lost my personal uber :(

i wasn't and never will be
your personal uber
You trashy

Whatever you say Minhoe



"Hey your Felix right?" Felix lifted his head from his phone to look for the voice. "Yes, I'm sorry my personal uber sent you." Jin chuckled along with Jimin in his car. " Get in Felix, we gotta go." Jimin said to Felix. Felix got in and Jin drove off to the skating rink.



"hyung we're here, we're here!"
Jisung yelled as he was knocking on the door. "It's open,come in." Jisung and Woojin looked with amazement around the room as they came in. "Woah, this is a big practice room. It's that sound booth?" Woojin asked, wide eyed. "Is that a couch?" "Yeah it is. This is what you get when your groups the nations pick," Baekhyun said with a sly smile on his face. "But, enough of that we should get started. Let's just start. First with some vocal warm ups. Repeat after me, Do re me fa so la ti do"


"What do you mean you can't make it?"

"It's important Lix, I can't I just can't. "

"*sigh* it's fine i guess maybe another time?"

"Yes another time."

*beep beep*

"Guys Minho's not coming anymore." Felix said with a frown on his face. "Aw come on man, don't be sad," Jin began to tie the laces to his skates, " Think of all the positives in your life." Felix cocked his head to the side a little and thought for a second. "Well, um I have a boyfriend, who's slightly mad at me for not joining his audition group. I have good friends, who are also slightly mad at me for not joining the group." Jimin, who finished tying his laces and was ready to go, said " Sucks to be you." "Jimin!" Jin slapped Jimin's arm. "Why don't you just join the audition group?" Jin asked. "Being a kpop idol is a lot of work and sometimes you don't have a lot of say in what you do. I know technically we're just auditioning, but that means we have at least a 30% chance of being idols. I just don't want to be treated like a shit either. And what if I'm not good enough for them anyways?" Felix said sincerely. Jimin raised an eyebrow and said " You're not as dumb as Minho described you to be." "Thanks??" "Oh shut up Jimin, I should have left you at home. Felix, I'm pretty sure the company will give you freedom. I mean it's the same company as got7 right?" Felix nodded. " Look at got7, they wrote their own title track for their latest comeback. Also Jyp let's them act like crackheads everywhere they go too. If you win, I'm sure you'll have lots of freedom. And sure, it's a lot of work to be an idol, but if you're really doing what you love, it's worth it. Every second is worth it."
Felix nodded and got up to finally go skate with Jin and Jimin following.

*ring ring*

Jisung pulled his phone from his pocket. He answered it, then mouthed 'one second ' to Woojin and Bacon as he would say.


"Jisung, you have to come now!"

"Oh hi."

"Hi, it's time to leave. I'm outside. "

"Oh, okay. I'll be right there Minnie."

*beep beep*

"I have to go guys see ya!" Jisung collected his stuff and zoomed out the door. Woojin commented, "And then there were two."
Baekhyun chuckled a little. "How about we take a break. " Baekhyun took a seat on the couch in the practice room. "How's life?" Woojin asked, trying to start a conversation. "It's pretty good, you know I live like a king. What about you?" Woojin sighed before speaking, " It's eh, I'm trying to be in the audition group, but all of my other friends, besides 3racha and Minho, don't want to do it." Baekhyun got a up and stretched a bit. "Really? Jisung told that they convinced everyone to join expect you. Apparently they have a plan to get you on board. " Woojin looked at Baekhyun shocked, "Seriously? I'll just text them that I'm in and save them the trouble." Woojin quickly pulls out his phone and saw the time, 5:17pm. "Shit! I was supposed to be home 17 minutes ago! " He quickly got up and grabbed his stuff. Once he was at the door, he yelled "Thank, hyung! Bye!!" The door slammed shut. Baekhyun shook his head.

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