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[A/N: I'm getting close to 10k views, should I do something when I do? (Pls suggest something) I mean I have another book coming soon(not stray kids related) but I wanna do something else you know? Also Thank you all for 8k views and #3 in minsung, I love you all!! Ps I made a lot of mistakes in this]

The next morning, first period

Half way through roll call......
"Im Changkyun" "Here." "Jung Chanwoo" "present" "Jung Wooseok" "here" "lee Donghyuck" "here" "Lee Felix" "here sadly" "Lee Minho" Silence smothered the room. "I guess not." The teacher continued to take roll, "Lee Minhyung" "Miss! I'm here." The teacher turned her head to door. "Very well then sit down Minhyung. You have detention today." Minhyung huffed as he placed himself in his seat. "It's Mark!" "Whatever," She continued "Lee Taeyong..."


*ring* all students in the class rose out of their seats. "Sit down! The bell doesn't release you, I do!" The teacher scolded at the students. Collective sighs appeared as everyone took their seats once again. "One Mississippi... two Mississippi,. Three miss-' "You may take your leave." Everyone jumped from their seat to the door. "Finally." Hyunjin commented from behind Jisung. "She's always forcing." The shorter boy replied. "Yeah, but see ya later. Second period's about to start." Hyunjin waved and they went their separate ways. Thankfully Jisung's next class was just down the hall, thus it took him no time to get there. "Sungie!" "Min!" Seungmin had a smug look on his face, making 'Sungie' awkwardly laugh. "What's up with the face?" The taller male took his seat, "Oh nothing." "Okay??" Jisung responded as he took a seat right next to 'Min'.


"Minho why are you always late? Literally it's second period and you decided to show up." Changbin whispered to Minho, making sure the teacher didn't hear. The dancer had just made his 'grand entrance.' "It's simple. I like sleep." "Sure that's it." The younger male rolled his eyes, putting focus to the teacher.


3:56 pm

"Hurry up!"

*beep beep*

"Fucking rude." Minho huffed as walked into the principal's office. Honesty he doesn't know why he was called, but both you and me know why. "Ah Lee Minho. Take a seat." The principal, Mr.Yang, gestured the seat in front of his desk. "I don't know if you know that we know you're going to be in auditions." [A/N: Lee know knows that they know that he doesn't know that they knows] Minho nodded," Yea-" "But I hope you know that you can't be in auditions with too many absences and tardys." The younger bite his lip while stirring in his seat. "Don't worry Mr.Lee, you still can be in the auditions, this is just a warning. Two more tardys or absences without an excuse and you'll be out. You may leave." 'Mr.Lee' bowed and said a small "thank you" As soon as he was out of the office, he ran as quickly as he could. "Oh! Finally!" Felix yelled as he saw his exhausted and out of breath friend come out. "Let's go."


15 minutes later

"Yes, we'll take that room." Changbin took out his wallet and payed the lady at the desk. The lady took the money and put in the register. "This way fellas," the lady began to lead the way to the room as the gays, i mean guys placed themselves to where Minho is in front them. "Alright boys here we are." The lady opened the door, allowing them to step in. Too bad only one stepped in before they locked the door shut."Hey!" Minho knocked on the door as he shouted. "Oh shut up!" After a while in the lobby, Jisung, Seungmin, Woojin, and Chan just finished paying. "This way." The same lady, who helped Changbin and the crew, said. Just like what Changbin, Jeongin, Hyunjin, and Felix did, they walked slower to make sure Jisung was first. And history repeats itself as the lady spoke, "Alright boys here we are." As you guessed Jisung was also locked inside of the room. "Seriously guys!" "Oh they locked you in here too. How great." Jisung put his attention to the person of the voice, "Oh hello Minho."
A voice suddenly came of above,
"Okay uglies, you two ain't getting out until you speak out your problems and work together to get out somehow. You had an hour and a half." And that was Felix in the speakers above. "I swear to god ima kill Felix when I get out of here " Minho mumbled. "If you even do" Jeongin snorted. "Oh and we heard that by the way." Felix giggled before the speaker went dead.

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