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[A/N: thanks for 3k!!]

No one's Pov

"Why are you here?" "Why are you here?" Seungmin scoffed " I asked first." Hyunjin only sighed in response. "I came to meet up with Jinyoung. You?" "To meet up with Wonpil." He gestured Wonpil, who was sitting there watching the two argue. "Guys you know what," Jinyoung interferes as he got up to pull them both down into their seats, "let's just try to talk it out right now." Jinyoung sat down. Seungmin huffed a sigh and so did Hyunjin. Wonpil look at Jinyoung with a 'this will be a long day ' look.


"Guys," they continued to argue. They as in Hyunjin and Seungmin. Wonpil looked at his watch that said 7:28. "Guys," "You said it wasn't a date! This isn't the first time, you panicked gay!" "GUYS!" Seungmin and Hyunjin turned their heads quickly to Wonpil. "We will ask questions now answer them truthfully, but first let's get out this pizza place." Jinyoung nodded and added "yeah we're literally the only ones here." "Oh." Wonpil stood up and lead the way out. As soon as everyone was out, Hyunjin asked "Where are we going?" Jinyoung replied with "Shh."


After 5 minutes, Wonpil and Jinyoung suddenly stop walking and looked at the other pair. "sit" Jinyoung said in a stern voice, pointing at a bench. The pair sat down, slightly frightened. "We'll be asking the questions now. Remember answer them truthfully and only answer when it's directed towards you." Wonpil commented while crossing his arms. Jinyoung asked the first question, "Seungmin, why are you guys mad at each other?" "He never wants to confess that we're dating. It's like he's ashamed of me." "Hm, is he the reason why you won't join the Audition group?" "Well, I would be up for it, if Hyunjin is. Also I'm a little scared to try." "You never know until you try." "Then I guess it's time for me to give it a go." Wonpil spoke after saying, "Hyunjin, why are you ashamed?" "I'm not, it's just I'm afraid if the word gets out," Seungmin crosses his arm, waiting for an excuse. " my parents will disown me." Hyunjin said that part a bit quieter, yet it was loud enough for them to hear. Seungmin expression softened as his arms dropped. The other three started to hear sniffing coming from the boy. Hyunjin lowered his head as Seungmin said "It's okay Jin, Just let it out." Seungmin started rubbing his back and looking at him. Wonpil jabbed Jinyoung with his elbow, telling him to leave. Jinyoung nodded and began to walk off, not without mouthing to Seungmin a 'you got this'. Seungmin nodded and waved to them. Soon the two best friends were gone. "Jin, tell me what's wrong."  Hyunjin paused for a few seconds before speaking. "My older sister, Sooyoung, I haven't seen her in years. When I was in middle school and she was in high school, she brought her girlfriend to my parents house. She came out to them and then was kicked out of the house. I miss her so much Min, so much." Hyunjin choked up a sob, "She was like a second mother to me, a mother who actually cared about my feelings, about my well being. Not just how my grades are. My parents threw all her belongings out of the door and she left to god knows where. I'm afraid that my parents will do the same to me. Just for being who I am." Seungmin pulled Hyunjin into a hug. "Jin,it's okay. It will all be okay. If you come out to your parents and they kick you out, you can always live with me. I will always be there to help you. I will always listen to you and care for you because I love you." Hyunjin looked at Seungmin with loving eyes. "I love you too." "If you ever need another shoulder to cry out, we have our friends, who we haven't been treating very well. They always helped us, shit they even helped us get together. We need to be in their audition group. They need us." Hyunjin just nodded, letting the sadness flow away.


"Hyung, how do you think Seungmin and Hyunjin are doing?" Jisung said as he took his head off Minho's shoulder. "I don't know, baby. I'm sure they're doing fine." "Okay Minnie, whatever you say." Jisung shrugged and put his head on Minho's shoulder. Minho and Jisung went back to cuddling in no time.

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