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"Alright! Ready, one, two, three!" Water balloons went flying everywhere, hitting anyone who even dares to look at one. See today, is the day after they achieved the biggest accomplishment of their lives. Your favorite group, Stray kids, are now being actual kids and having a water balloon fight to celebrate!
"HEY!" Woojin yelled as Hyunjin stole the bucket full of water balloons. "You'll never catch me suc-" The robber had tripped over
Changbin's leg. "There goes the balloons." Seungmin commented. "How do you trip over Changbin? Dude's so short!" The youngest claimed "Guys I got more!" Jisung shouted, showing the what seemed to be bigger bucket. "Yay!" "I'll place it in the middle. This time teams! Since we are an odd number, I'll help both teams. Now captains!" The squirrell like male exclaimed. "Felix and Hyunjin, let's go! Jin Pick your first member." The older stared at the boys, "Seungmin." "Aww" All the boys cooed. "Felix your turn." The Aussie instantly picked his first person, "Chan!" " You know the drill." Jisung commented. "Woojin." "Minho." "Jeongin." "Binnie!" In the end on Hyunjin's team they had Vocal line and on Felix's team he had two-thirds of 3racha and Minho. Jisung screeched, "ALRIGHT! READY SET GO!!" Everyone ran to the bucket, pushing and pulling each other, throwing any balloon they got their hands on. "That's it gu-" And that when Felix threw a balloon at Jisung's mouth. The other male grabbed as much as balloons as he could in his hand and shouted, "EVERYONE ATTACK FELIX!" All members came running to Felix, soaking him like there was no tomorrow.


All nine were laying on the grass after the fight under the sun. "It has been quite a ride boys." Changbin whispered. "You got that right!" giggles came from all after Hyunjin spoke. "We're gonna be idols man." "Hm, what if we're not good at it lix?" Jeongin asked, shyly. Woojin was the first to answer, "I'm sure we'll be fine." "I hope." Jisung replied. "You guys, I don't know what I would do without y'all." Minho commented. "Me either." Seungmin responded, "When we sell out shows and have our albums on the charts. It will feel like a dream. How moved from this to that." Woojin added on to what he was saying, "When were idols, we're going to stay together right?" "Of course I wouldn't leave my family." "Aw Hyunjin we're your family?" "Yup." He replied, popping the 'p'. The leader of the group suddenly jumped up, putting his hand out, "Stray kids on three," Everyone shot smiles at each other, then got up, "One, two, three stray kids!!!"

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