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"Listen up thot, we're going somewhere after school today. Be prepared for anything. Meet me by the front lockers."

"Hyung, I didn-"

*beep beep*

Minho quickly ended the phone call and rushed to his class.


Felix had just arrived at the front lockers as Minho had said. He stood there waiting for Minho,but he saw something quite interesting while waiting. 'Is that Wooseok and Jisung walking together?' Immediately he went to follow the pair. He tip - toed around the lockers and that's when Minho saw him. Minho silently ran to where Felix was. "So this is what we're doing today Min." Felix tilted his head to Jisung and the taller,whispering to Minho. "Yeah, but shh." Both moved closer to the pair, going under the staircase, crouching close to the ground. "How about we go to the arcade that's not far from here since you have practice later." Wooseok said to Jisung. "You hear that Felix, looks like we're going to the arcade." The pair that they we're watching, started to walk towards the door, of course they followed. Tip-toeing, silently until "Achoo!" Minho pulled the sneezing male onto the staircase, hiding themselves behind a wall railing. "Jeez Felix, are you kidding me?" Wooseok, who heard the noise, turned to Felix and Minho. Instantly he recognized Minho and smirked when he realized what Minho was doing. Jisung tugged on Wooseok's jacket sleeve, "What are waiting for let's go!" Wooseok hummed, looking at Jisung.


Wooseok and Jisung arrived to the arcade in only 5 minutes, since it was so close to the school. Wooseok, being the gentleman he is, bought tokens for him and Jisung to use. " Jisung let's play that game first!" He said, pointing to a basketball shooting game. Meanwhile Minho and Felix had just arrived. Minho decided to buy a few tokens, so they look normal, not looking like they were doing whatever they're doing. While waiting for his hyung to buy tokens, Felix spotted Jisung and Wooseok at the basketball game and tugged Minho to go near the game after he got them. Wooseok with his great eye sight saw Minho once again while Jisung was too busy with the game. Minho and the australian male were playing a game, not so far from them. "Jisung how about we go over there to the dance game? Let's test our skills huh?" Wooseok exclaimed looking at Jisung. He replied with a smile and a nod. Minho overheard and had to look that way. In that moment, Wooseok decided not to walk with Jisung to the game like a normal person, no he just had to pick up him and carry him over there. "Wah! Seokie put me down!" Jisung complained,kicking his feet a little. Minho grinds his teeth, puts a strong hold on the controller for the game, while still watching the pair. "Hyung you're going to break the controller!" Felix claimed while trying to remove Minho's hands from the controller. "Oh,Oh,Ohhh!" Felix finally noticed what Minho was looking at. "Well come on." Felix said as he pulled Minho to another game close to Jisung and Wooseok once again. By the time they got there, the pair has went to get a snack. The dancer pair just stood there looking at them leave. "So what's on your mind Ji?" The taller asked. Jisung sigh and sat down with an opened bag of Cheetos in his hand. "It's Minho." Wooseok took a seat next to him, eating skittles. "Is it?" Jisung nodded, "Yeah, he treat us like a relationship,but he doesn't want to confirm us dating. So childish." Jisung sighed again as Wooseok spoke. "You know what." The squirrel like boy took a bite of a Cheeto before saying " What?" "We should pretend to date to make him jealous!" He said quietly, just in case Minho heard. "What about that boy, you have a crush on? Jinho was his name right?" Wooseok put his bag of Skittles on the table, "Yeah..that way both of us could make them jealous!" Minho and Felix were just passing by them, when Wooseok grabbed Jisung and pull him into a hug. Thankfully Wooseok was tall, 6' feet tall actually, that Jisung couldn't see past him. Wooseok waited for them to pass to let go. Lucky for him they were leaving and they heard nothing of the talk that just happened. "Let's do it i guess."

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