<Meeting him>

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Yeonghwa POV

"So like where is he?" I asked Jeonghyung who was only sitting there like i don't exist. He ignores me. "hey!" i shouted.

"I told you. He'll come in a sec" he told me sipping on his coffee acting like his a princess.

"you-" I got cut off by a knock on the front door. Jeonghyung sighed and stud up. He walked up to the door and opened it to a... familiar boy. Then it hit me. "Kim Namhyun" I mumbled.

they started talking for like 3 hours when they decided to finally come up to me and talk to me. "Hello Geum, my name is-" i cut him off looking down. "Kim Namhyun; your Kim Namhyun"

"How do you know my name?" he asked tilting his head to the side a bit.

"Cause I know you, duh" I said and rolled my eyes a bit.

"but I don't know you... can you... take off your mask?" he then started to reach for my mask. I slap his hand away and punched him.

"I don't you dare to make me take my mask off" I said and sat on the couch."O-okey" he stuttered. I rolled my eyes and laid back.

"Do you know you will be working with this girl?" Jeonghyung asked Namhyung. Namhyung then shook his head 'no'.

"You'll be the one to tell her who to kill but I need to approve of it" Jeonghyung explained and Namhyung noded. Namhyung then looked at me suspiciously.

"what?" I asked tilting my head to the side a bit.

"Do you...perhaps go to the same school as me?" He asked. I smirked and shook my head 'no

"I don't even go to school" I said with a wink.

"Wait, aren't you in-" I cut him off with covering his mouth. "shut up or I'll kill you" i whispered into his ear. I then pushed him to the side and sat back down.

"So... When will we teaming up?" i asked.

"When I tell him to tell you to kill someone" Jeonghyung said. Me and Namhyung noded and left.


Jungkook's POV~
I somehow got to an unfamiliar place. I look around it was only darkness with a table and a girl sitting on the chair looking down covering her face.

I walked up to the table and magically a chair appears. I then got pushed down making me sit on seat.

I felt being tied up but I noticed the girl was still infront of me. I turned my head and got taken back from what I saw. The girl was behind me. I looked back at the girl infront of me and she was still there but now the feeling of being tied up stopped and the girl stud up.

She then continued to walk up to me but decided to go behind me. "Watch" she whispered into my ear sending shivers down my spine.

I looked infront of me; My eyes glued to the wall that suddenly became a big television.

I watched as a girl killed inucent people of any age. I heard sobs behind me but when ever I tried to turn my head it would just force it's self back to making me watch.

Then...I saw a family together and happy. "Eomma where are you going?" The girl asked maybe 10 or 12.

"Somewhere with daddy. We will comeback later" her mother said and left.

Then the video clip of a car crashing into one car; flying into a river; windows breaking and screams could be heard al around.

""I can't let you go out and tell everyone who I truly am" she whispered to my ear again then I heard a gun shot.

I then sat up to realize I was only inside my room and had a nightmare. "What the heck was that?" I asked myself and went to the bathroom to splash my face.

As I was drying my face I heard a whisper. "It wasn't only a dream" . I dropped my towel and looked around; scared.

"W-who are you?!" I shouted inside the room. No response. I walked into my room. I saw nothing but darkness.

"What the heck...maybe...that dream just can't get out of my head." I told myself and turned on the lights. It was all the same so I jut shrugged it off and laid on my bed.

Sorry for the short chapter I didn't have any ideas for this aka author's block for three days straight

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