<Her secret>

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Yeonghwa's POV~
I drive to the house of my aunt. Well…I hope it's still there…

"Aha! There it is" I said and stopped in front of it. It didn't change one bit! It still looked old. There was once one broken window but now there's five!!.

"Five years of not being here…" I started to hesitate on going in but I still wanted to see how she's going.

I knocked on the door and my aunt opened. Surprisingly she didn't look like she was drunk but by the looks of the house, it looks like she got more alcoholic.

"Yeonghwa? Why are you back? Looking like bitch?"She said and crossed her arms. I guess she's jealous 'cause I got rich.

"See that car over there? That's mine" I said and pointed at my car behind me.

"Aish! Stop bragging about how rich you are now! and tell me why are you here". "I'm just curious about you how your doing" I looked inside and smirked. "Guess your still a alcoholic"I said and crossed my arms.

"I get it. I want to visit me 'cause your curious. Pfft, come in, I guess" she said and walked inside so I did as well.


"Are you still a prostitute?" I asked her as she got a cigarette from her pocket, lit it up and started to smoke.

"I don't know, do I look like one?" She asked. I looked at her closely and nodded. "Then I am" she said rolling her eyes.

"Can you stop rolling your eyes?". "Can you stop getting lucky?" She fired back. I laughed and took out my gun from my pocket that surprisingly no one noticed.

"Can you stop back firing? Or I'll shot you with no hesitation" I said with a serious voice. She laughed and looked at me with a smirk.

"How could a girl like you have the strength to kill me?" I smirked and shot right next to her, that if I just moved a little bit to the left I would have shot her arm.

"Shot me! I don't deserve to live anyways" she said with heavy breathing. I know she's nervous if I would do it or not.

I look at her and smiled. "Fine, Hana, dul…set" I said and headshot her. Told ya I'll do it" I then walked out with no regret what so ever. Beside she said she wanted to die, I just fufilled her wishes.


As I drove away I could see people in shock by the dead body of my aunt. I didn't close the door for everyone to see what I've done.

I looked in awe as I saw people in fear and some vomiting 'cause of their weak stomachs.

I laughed it all of and continued to drive to the safety of my house, where I can just do nothing and don't need to rely on anyone, where I can relax and make my own decisions.


When I got back to my house I locked my front door in case anyone followed me back.

I walked up stairs to my room, and when I got there I opened the door and jumped on my bed.

As I was about to go to sleep my phone rang. I look to my side and saw that Namhyun was calling, and so I picked up.

"I have someone for you to-" "who is it?" I groaned cutting his sentence.

"You know her, she's your aunt" I started to laugh hard to the point I could feel my stomach hurt. "What so funny Yeonghwa-yah?".

"I already did!! *laughs* isn't that hilarious?!" I said almost shouting.

"Wait, you did?"he said in a comfused voice.

"Yes!!!" I shouted in felicity.

"Alright, Lucky girl" I could hear his cute laughes through the phone making me smile. The call ended and I immediately slap myself "Don't lie to yourself Yeonghwa!! Chose only one person!" I sighed and laid on my bed; throwing my phone on to my side table.

"Why can't I decided? What path should I take to lead me to see the right way of life? I never felt love for 5 years ever since those fucking men shot both of my parents!" I shouted gripping on the bed sheets, a tear fell down my cheek as I remembered the last moments I saw my parents. The last chapter of their life on earth.

"I swear if I find who killed them I would kill them instantly. With or without witness."

Jungkook's POV~

Wut do u mean don't know her name? U said u know her name days ago!

I'm sorry Jungkook-ah but I can't…for my life

Wut is she?

Some one who wouldn't hesitate to kill anyone that provokes her

A Mafia? 😶

Seen 6:10 Pm

"Is she…a Mafia? But how? The gun…I need more clues about her! I need to know the truth about her!" Open my phone and searched about Mafias

"Is she…a Mafia? But how? The gun…I need more clues about her! I need to know the truth about her!" Open my phone and searched about Mafias

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"How could she be in a group of criminals? If she's only 16 and can already do horrendous crimes" I sighed

I looked tried my best to find more information but all I get are questions that would be answered but then more questions that need answers

"What kind of secrets are you hinding from us…

"The daughter of Mr. Kwon…"

Secret Mafia {Jungkook} Completed✓Where stories live. Discover now