Lets start walking.

499 24 15

Sans pov.

I waited outside of the old brick building near the entrance that was covered with vines. This place was so old it almost looks like it was built the day us monsters left the surface.

I can't believe that kid lived in something this trashy. Of course it did fit her.

I laughed to myself at my own joke.

Speaking of jokes, this whole thing WAS a joke. I can't believe the human with a red soul was the most annoying girl I ever met.

Sure we only had a few encounters but I really didn't like her style. I don't think she likes me either.

I know I should give the girl a chance. But shes not making it easy. She doesn't realize how important this really is. Bet you I'm out here waiting for her to get packed, while she's calling the police thinking I'm just some crazy monster who attacks people and making up stories.

I then saw her as she came out of the entrance with a small violet school bag. It looked pretty light and she looked like she knew what she was doing. 

"So where do your parents think we're going? Good girl like you probably doesn't sneak out often." I laughed at my own little humor.

I realized she wasn't answering and looked up at her. She had a little bit of a frown and had her eyes in the ground.

"Lets just say they're not around anymore to know where I go."

Oh shit...


Well I guess she hates me more now. Although I can relate. I know what it's like lose a parent and I know how hard it is to bring it up.

There was an awkward moment of us just standing there getting nowhere. I quickly forgot about the situation and started to get back at the task of hand.

"We better start movin. We have to get some supplies and get out of town at least by nightfall."

Her eyes went wide. "Out if town? Where are we going!?"

"Oops guess I forgot to mention that."

She made a long dramatic sigh. I rolled the prints of my eyes and just started to walk away.

"Come on drama queen."

After a a moment she started to walk behind me. I laughed knowing she was probably thinking of just kicking me. Glad she didn't try.

I'm glad she didn't ask where we're going. I didn't even know. He never told me where he is and his "henchman" keep moving around lookin for Frisk.  As long as I keep her in my sights I know that we'll be fine.

They don't take they're work that seriously. They go around and hang out at bars or strip clubs. They'd get they're information they needed then go and play.

They're such idiots. They didn't even know I was following them to find Frisk.

We walked little ways to the nearest store. As we walked in she took out a wallet that had the letter F on it. She looked inside and counted her money.

"I don't really have that much."

I shrugged.

"I got it. Just don't grab anything stupid."

She rolled her eyes and walked off to the snack section. I followed behind her and watched as she grabbed a bag of chips.

We're going on a trip that's possibly dangerous and she grabs a bag of chips.

The Red soul (Frisk X Sans)Where stories live. Discover now