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Frisk Pov

I waited for Sans to be at least slight healing before bugging him about starting to train me. Ever since he said he would help I couldn't help be slightly excited. It was finally time to prove that I'm am worth more then a soul. I can be helpful in some way then just being some kind of high school senior who was following some skeleton around.

I was started to check his wounds. As always he wasn't really happy with me touching him, but he knew it was for his own health. I used a damp rag to go over the wound one more time to be better safe then sorry. "Everything seems closed. And you look pretty clean too." Sans tsked at my comment. "You think I'm gonna walk around like I murdered someone?" He said all snarky with that stupid grin of his.

I rolled my eye's trying to hide the fact he almost made me laugh. I threw the rag in his face catching him off guard. "Knowing you? Maybe." I smiled as he pulled the rag of his face.

"Just take it easy." I said as I stepped up from the bedside. "Okay mom." He said sarcastically.

It was getting close to noon and Sans was pretty antsy on getting out of here so we could head to Mt Ebbot. We checked out of the motel and headed to a near by park. It was close to the direction we were heading, and Sans made a promise to me. We found a place that wasn't occupied so it would be easy to practice without scaring anyone near by.

The surrounding's of the park were beautiful. The tree's stood tall above the rest of the park with the birds chirping around. The grass was soft with a few flowers were growing from the ground. Sans looked around as he was also amazed by the beauty of a park surrounded by such a cruel time. It's probably been months for him. For me it's been years.

"Okay!" I said pumped. "What's the plan? How do I start? Do I have some sort of special power being the all mighty red soul?" I started acting as if I was this all mighty wizard from some movie. He looked at me as if I was just some dork playing Lord of the Rings role play. I ducked my head down feeling kinda dumb of myself. "Sorry. Just excited." I said with a nervous laugh at the end.

"For one thing, your a nerd." He said at me with a wink. I rolled my eye's only to ignore him. "Second of all, to answer your twenty questions, you do have a weapon for having the soul of determination. Each soul as one. I'm not really an expert on which one has which, but I do know that being the most rarest and powerful soul out of all you have a sword and a shield along with magic abilities such as fire and shit like that."

I started to feel my heart thump hearing the fire bit. I tried to act cool but I knew I wasn't holding in the best way. Then a question came into my head. "Do you know all of this from the experiment with Alphys? Because if you had to study souls, wouldn't you know more about them?"

He looked down as if it was a trivia question. I knew he wasn't very keen on me asking about his past life, but the more I knew about him and determination, I feel like it would be easier to know about e of myself.

"Well I should know more. But I didn't stick around long enough. I quit before we could get to that part. I never bothered knowing more cause I didn't think it was really that important." I shrugged thinking it was a fair point. Knowing me I'd probably do the same thing.

"Alright." He said with a clap. "Let's get started. The sooner we start the sooner we can start heading towards Ebbot."

I gave him a thumbs up letting him know I'm more then ready. He chuckled at my enthusiasm and sat on the ground right in front of me. I looked at him a little a little confused, and he could clearly tell I was.

The Red soul (Frisk X Sans)Where stories live. Discover now