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Frisk Pov

I thought to myself, thinking of the events that occurred. Sans is angry at me. Chara got her way, and I am left with a question that Sans drilled into my head. "Did I know how to control this?" This was a power that the Souls of Determination is given. I even went to the libarby while Sans was still down in his shop to get more info in the souls. But all I found was it was rare, and the weapon recorded is a Sword of flame.

Talking to Chara was no help either. She only gave me short answers not answering the one I kept asking. "Was this a good thing or a bad thing."

"To me, its fine."

Fine. Meaning it wasn't what she hoped. What was she hoping for? She's the only one that knows how to control this and she's dead. Sans is just plain upset and I can't figure that out either. Nobody likes to give me answers. Even from the start. Sans would barely tell me anything, yet he's upset I didn't tell him I knew more of what my power can do. Typical.

I could barely focus on this map. The situation was the only thing I could focus on. Papyrus was so scared, broken and beaten by those monsters. He didn't even try to talk. Just stayed silent. Even when that blast hit him he just stood there and took it. Everything seemed like it was slow, but it was only a minute at the most.

Hours started going by. Sans was working, and I barely studied this map and took little notes of a plan. We have more time now, but I feel as if I'm being rushed. We had two days, that is of course Gaster knows what I did.

I looked at what little notes I had. "Middle of town near Xmas tree. Emerges from nearby trees." Then a circled area of where we were standing during the attacked. My brain would malfunction if I even tried to think of something to counter act these events.

"Knock Knock." along with a knock the actual door. I sighed knowing he was going to wanna know the plans I came up with. Or maybe even talk out our argument. I mean he gave us time to cool down. He probably got as much work done I did.

"Come in."

The door opened but slowly. His eyes seemed bag and the stench of cigarettes was strong. Now I defiantly know how much work he got done.

"Your supposed to say 'Whose there' but that will have to do." He nervously chuckled. I stayed silent. He walked over and examined my work. I could the sweat starting to form. I was started to get ready for an argument to form, or just a sigh of disappointment.

"Can't come up with anything either?" he asked calmly. I shook my head. "Every time something comes in it immediately leaves. I have no idea how this works and I watch a lot of action movies." It was my turn to nervously chuckle.

"Well if they came from here," He pointed to my circle on the small and cheap map while sitting down next to me on the small mattress. This is awkward. "that means they were probably in the woods off the map." My brain functioned. "But that's the thing. I try to think they are coming from that big door at the end of the path. But that would be too obvious and not a big shocker for a future story to tell." I laughed making even him smile.

"Guess those action movies are doing you well."

Silence filled the room for a good couple seconds before thinking.

"If they can 'take shortcuts' like you, are they even in Snowdin?" I looked at the map again. It showed everything and every detail of the town. It even showed the outskirts of the woods and the rivers leading to a giant mysterious door ending the paper. We pointed at every edge and corner, and talked of the science that comes with Sans' magic. If Sans knows what he thinks he knows, they don't have as much power as Sans. They can't go far with their teleportation skills. So they had to be nearby already. But they could have been following us.

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