Fun and games

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Frisk pov.

I was suddenly awoken with a object forcefully thrown in my head. I shot up with a squeak of panic while clenching into the sheets for dear life.

I looked around and saw a pillow on my lap and Sans putting his jacket at the edge of my bed.

"Get up. We have to get movin."

I gave him a good glare for waking me up the way he did then got off the bed. He must of saw it cause he gave me a pretty mean glare back.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my clothes from my bag. I headed into the bathroom and got ready for the long day I'm most likely gonna be having.

Why is he so rude? I just wanted to know what the hell was going on. I don't understand why I'm being dragged around. Sure he offered to help me out but I want to know excally where I'm going and why my soul is so needed.

But I really didn't like his expression when he yelled at me. It was so dark and filled with nothing. I just decided to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the time.

I wish we could have gotten two rooms, but someone just HAD to be a cheap skate and not respect my privacy.

After we checked out of the hotel we stayed quiet walking. I didn't know where we were going but I knew if I asked he'd most likely get mad again.

We eventually got to a building that I haven't seen since I was a kid. It was called "Burger n play."

It was a children's play place for kids. They would play games, eat burgers, and get scared of the adults dressed in costumes.

The last time I was here was long before my parents died. I remember dad took me here on my seventh birthday. It was the most fun and best memory I ever had with my dad. We played ski ball for two hours and won all the tickets. We even got the major prize which was a giant stuffed unicorn with a fluffy blue main. I still have that thing somewhere in room back in my apartment.

I got kinda curious why two young adults were about to go in a children's play center.

"Uh Sans? Why are we here? I thought we had some serious business to do"

I kinda laughed at my own mocking. I know it was kinda childish but it was pretty funny.

He gave me a glare but decided to drop it with a sigh.

"Relax we're not here to have pizza. I know the new owner. An old friend of mine back in the underground. He might be able help find where we need to be."

We walked the little play place. It was filled with screaming children and the stench of fresh burgers and pizza

We made our way over to the prize table filled with candy, cheap toys and small prizes worth millions of tickets.

At the counter was an orange cat who looked kinda depressed to be here but had an obvious fake smile on his face. Kinda like Sans.

When the cat looked up he was pretty happy to see Sans.

"Hey burger pants. Long time no see huh?

The cat rolled his eyes but smiled once again.

"Don't call be that. Bp is fine. So ya here to be some kinda pedifile or do you need something again."

He started to chuckle but then gave a look at me. I tried to not make eye contact but I could tell he was checking me out.

"Sans...I didn't know you liked humans that much."

He smirked at over towards Sans.

"What!? No shes just here because she has...the thing I needed."

The Red soul (Frisk X Sans)Where stories live. Discover now