Some answers

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Sans Pov

We safely made it back to the little place where children like to spend their time geting cheap under a dollar items and beg their mom for more time to play with the jungle gym that could kill them in any minute. After the girls gave their hugs and sob stories of their time there, I thought it was time to get what I came here for.

"Blue. I hate to break up the little reunion, but I really need to get going. 'They' could show up any minute." I put an emphisses on they so they knew who excally who I was speaking of.

"Oh right! The place is closed so we can go in with to much attention. Follow me!"

I will never understand how that guy can stay so happy.

We walked through the pizza infested area and back to the same room where it had the strong smell of either tobacco or cannabis. Frisk didn't seem to like it considering she had her face scrunched up. Guess they had a fun time while we were doing their mission. This info better be good.

Blue sat in the chair to big for his little bunny heine, as Frisk and I sat in the two chairs across for him just as we did the last time. Pb and the girls stood behind blue to view the meeting.

"So." Blue said as he sat back while propping his feet on the table. "Before we begin I just can't thank you enough for bring back my pals! I know I could have done it on my own, but it would have been a lot harder considering they knew who we all were. I'm glad that those good for nothings are behind bars for good!" He pounded in fist against the table in justice.

Frisk sat up in her seat. "Not really considering those things told them who we were. If it weren't for Sans, things would have been worse." I tried not to be a little flattered. Sure I would have let nothing happen to her anyway, but it's still nice to hear I did something right for a change.

The girls clapped, and cheered my name. Even when its not Frisk saying it, its still nice to hear.

"Your welcome. But I really need to know some info. I did your favor, now give me mine."

Blue sighed and returned his feet to the ground. "Alright." He folded his hands on the table formally. " What do you need to know."

"What do you know about my brother? Where is he?"

"From what I've heard, and saw, I believe he might be back in the underground. Some of my coworkers have seen those skeleton heads walking down there talking of their boss, Gaster."

Hearing the name sent a shiver down my spine. I already knew that, but no body needed to know that.

"They keep speaking of working on a machine that's bringing something back, or someone back. Now I've never heard of anyone named Gaster, or of this machinery stuff, but that's what I know of where your brother might be. I'm guessing that's why he might need your soul." He looked over towards Frisk. Her expression went wide to the sound of her name.

"Why my soul? I don't understand?"

I looked over towards her. "Like I said, your soul is rare out of every soul. There's a lot of different traits in a soul. One including Determination, which is what your soul is. Others include integrity, kindness, patience, justice, bravery and perseverance." She looked a little confused, but I didn't really want to explain it.

"So why does he need determination for a machine? If this will help get your brother why can't we just give it to them?"

I really didn't want to explain in front of the others. I just dodged the question in'till we were in a better place to answer. She's most likely annoyed with this.

The Red soul (Frisk X Sans)Where stories live. Discover now