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Sans pov

I woke up to the bus making a sudden stop. When my vision was finally clear and used to the light, I realized I woke up on a pair of legs.

I felt something stroking my skull lightly. The same realaxing feeling I had that got sleeping in the first place. It kinda felt like Papyrus relaxing me after I've had one of my dreams. I relaxed more into the legs possibly letting myself fall asleep again.

But, sadly, before I could I heard a voice call my name. "Sans" it said softly. I ignored her, just wanting to sleep a little longer. Haven't slept well relaxed in a long time.

"Sans!" She called again tapping my skull lightly. I let out a groan of defeat and sit up. I let out a big yawn and stretch my arms above my head, cracking my bones in my arms.

I looked over towards Frisk who seemed a little freaked. I smiled and kinda enjoying the look of it. "What's up kid?" She pointed to my mouth. "You have really sharp teeth..."

I started to laugh, forgetting she hasn't seen my mouth open. "Oh, sorry kid." I said trying not to laugh. "Don't worry. I won't bite."

She rolled her eyes and grabbed her bag. "Well we're here. And I hope drooling on my legs this entire time was worth it. Exactly how far is this persons house?"

It hit me that it was her legs I was sleeping on. I guess I fell over while I was asleep, and she just let me stay there. I was never gonna live this down.

"Sorry kid. I didn't mean to-" "It's alright." She said interrupting. "You really needed the sleep, and rubbing your head was kinda relaxing."

She then turned slightly pink. "S-sorry that sounded weird." Well I can't lie. My head getting pet was relaxing. "It's alright." I laughed nervously.

We kinda just sat there in'till the bus driver stopped right where we need to be. It was the neighborhood where Alphys and her girlfriend, Undyne lived.

We walked out the bus, and started to walk down the street.

"Sans?" Frisk called. I looked over to her. "Yeah?"

"You never answered my question from before. How long do we have to-"

"We're here." I interrupted already answering. She looked up and saw the nice little yellow house on the block. It was cute, had some gardening and a clean yard. They even had a little mail box in the shape of a fish that read "Alphys and Undyne".

They always were so cute.

I walked up and hesitantly knocked on the door. I haven't seen these two in a long time. I've always tried to avoid Alphys after everything that happened between us in the past. I'm gonna have to bring it up, which will make things more awkward then they already will be. But with Undyne there it might ease the tension.

I finally got to knocking on the door. After a moment, someone came to get it. Behind it was Alphys. The short (I'm taller then her so I'm calling her short!) And awkward yellow dinosaur that was a huge weeb.

"O-oh! H-h-hey S-sans!" Said Alphys as she saw who was being the door. "I-i haven't s-seen you in a while!" She looked beside me, and saw Frisk. "A-and who t-this?"

I pushed Frisk in front of me to give her a better look. "This is Frisk. She's...a friend." Friends was the best way I could put it. We didn't hate each other, or at least I think we don't. If we do it's silent. I like to think we're getting better.

"O-oh! H-hi! I'm Alphys." She snorted. "I w-was the royal scientists and well I got fired but not really considering we got moved but it was gonna happen considering after everything that happened in the underground and-" "Alphys." I said stopping her ramble. A pink blush spread along her cheeks as she started to play with the hands.

"S-sorry I-I get carried away s-sometimes."

Frisk started to snicker. She then held out her hand smiling. "It's okay. I don't too sometimes." Tell me about it. Alphys grabbed her hand to made a friendly hand shake.

After the exchange, Alphys gestured towards the door. "C-come in!"

We walked in the house and I wasn't surprised. It was nice, it had blue walls, a fish carpet, tv, coffee table and a couch with a chair. There was some noodle cups in the table, and the smell of fish kinda stenched the room a little, but not so bad that Frisk and I made a face.

"Excuse the m-mess. We weren't really expecting g-g-guest."

I shrugged. Like I would be any better. "Meh it's alright." I said. "So... where's that gillfriend of yours?" I snicker slightly. Frisk did as well but also had that annoyed look on her face.

"T-the puns... there b-back" Alphys groaned. "S-shes out for a run. B-but w-what did you need?"

Right. I was so caught up with the reunion and introducing her to Frisk, I completely forgot about the whole reason why we were here. Wish it could be like that for a while.

"I need you to tell me about the soul 'Determination'." I saw her eyes widen through her big nerd glasses. I knew it was kind of a touchy and awkward subject to bring up, but whatever machine that Gaster is working on and needs such a rare soul is obviously important.

"S-sans I-I'm not so sure about-" "Please?" I begged. "Its important."

Alphys looked down and started to fiddle with her hands. She knew I would never ask something like this, especially in person, for something not important.

Our conversation was interrupted when a certain raspy voiced came out of no where making everyone jump. Especially Frisk.

"Alphys! Who was at the-" Undyne. A determined blue fish of her own. Monsters don't have traits like human traits, but if she did. She had on her normal black shirt with jeans. She had her hair high and the patch was still there. Her yellow toothed grin got bigger as she me when she popped her head around the corner.

"Sans! Holy shit it's been a while!" She got close, but backed away when I gave her that vibe 'don't touch me.' I normally don't mind because of Paps, but everything is just way to tense.

"Whale whale whale if it isn't my favorite fish." Frisk and I snickered at my little pun. She face palmed herself and gave me an annoyed glare. "That pun didn't even make sense. I'm not a whale!"

"Right." I said trying to hold in a laugh. "Well if you come up with a better fish pun just let minnow." I gave her the thumb fingers to ease the tension. I heard Frisk snicker in the back round. At least I made someone laugh.

"Sans if you don't stop with these fish puns I'm gonna krill you." She looked me dead in the eye, with her one eye almost burning with death. I decided to back down. I looked over to Frisk who seemed as terrified as I. Undyne must have noticed, and went over to Frisk scanning her like a machine. She looked a bit terrified. I don't blame her.

"And uh...Who are you exactly? And where's Papyrus? Haven't seen that guy in a long time either."

The smile on her face filled me with pity.

"That's why we're here. Papyrus he...He's missing." I saw as Undyne's hand turned to a fist. "Where is he!? Does she have something to do with this?" She pointed towards Frisk. I stood in front of her so it makes that she's pointing at me. "No. She's here because she can help us find Papyrus."

Undyne was never a huge fan of humans. It doesn't surprise me that she would threaten her, but that doesn't mean I'm just gonna let it happen either.

"S-so." Alphys stepped in. "W-why do you need the 'Determination files' to help Papyrus?"

Undyne raised an eyebrow. "Determination files? What the hell are those?"

Alphys seemed tense of the situation. "W-well uh...S-sans and I w-we..."

"We used to work together at the old lab a long time ago." I said finishing Alphys' stuttering torture. Undyne looked as shocked as Frisk was. They both probably didn't expect a lazy guy like me to be so smart in the ol lab. Of course Frisk didn't know me as well as Undyne, but she knew that I had secrets. And she liked to learn more of me so mine as well give them all a story.

The Red soul (Frisk X Sans)Where stories live. Discover now