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Frisk Pov

Everyone took a seat getting ready to hear a long story about Sans and Alphys' past. Honestly I was kinda intrigued. Sans was such a mystery. And by the looks of it, he was a mystery to the people he knew longer then me. 

I still had some questions of my own. Who's Gaster? What happened to to Papyrus? What else is he hiding? How did the monsters escape from the underground? And who knew that someone as lazy as Sans was a scientist! I'm glad I got answers before we got on the bus, but there's still thing's I'd like to know.

"Alright." Sans started. "Before we even got the third human soul, Alphys and I were given a project. Asgore the king of monsters," He said to me to clarify. "Gave us a the job of finding a better way to break the barrier. He gave us the soul's he's collected, including his human daughters, and said to study everything we could find." 

Alphys started to play with her hands. She's an awkward little bean. "S-so after tested t-them carefully and learned t-that there are more then one s-souls with special traits. Determination, who belonged t-to the f-first human, was the rarest and most p-p-powerful of them all!"

I held my hand to my chest. Powerful could mean two different things. One being powerful in good and could save the whole world, the other meaning destroying it. What could I do? Sans started again. 

"So the rest of the crew decided to do more test. That's when the monsters started to fall down. One by one sick monsters started to come in a coma. I just wanted to do more research on Determination. But Alphys didn't listen to me." Alphys ducked down in shame. I could see the bullets of sweat starting to rain down on her head. 

"Whats that suppose to mean." Undyne said as she gave Sans a death glare.

"Undyne please!" Alphys protested. "I-I should have listened. But I just wanted to help a-and I s-screwed it all up. I used the Determination forgetting about the b-barrier creating a serum that I thought would wake and c-cure the fallen down...b-but I was wrong." She looked down and covered her face with her hands. Sans just looked away and looked at the ground. Guess he knew he was right, but felt bad about it. 

"So" Undyne said as she was patting Alphys on the back trying to comfort her. that's why those things were hiding in your lab back in the underground. Because of this project?" Alphys nodded. 

"But there back at their families! It's okay now!" Alphys shook her head. "N-no it's not! If it wasn't f-for me we c-could have probably just c-continued our work and s-save the monsters from our prison. Instead I lied to everyone and kept people away from their families."

Undyne's ears fell, but immediately went back up when she beamed with excitement. "Well because of you, they were no longer fallen down. And were all out now. No big deal!"

Alphys looked up from her hands and sniffled. She smiled as she hugged her girlfriend.

"So I have a question." Not meaning to break their moment I spoke. "So if Alphys used the determination to create whatever it is you created, and Sans couldn't finish Sans work on the project because you were off doing whatever, then how did you guys figure what determination can do?"

Sans looked at me, then looked at Alphys. "I went to go work on...a different project. Alphys should know what Determination can do considering she continued to work with it. That's why I'm here. To ask for the files."

Alphys' nodded and got up from the couch and her girlfriends arms. "I'll be right b-back." She said as she left the room.

"So what did you study while Alphys was working on that project?" Undyne asked. Sans rolled the light's in his eyes. "It was a personal project on the quantum theory. Something I'd rather not explain."

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