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Frisk pov

Training is rough. It's not all what they show in the movies and or television shows. Its not all a compilation of cool fighting themes with bad ass background music. It's sweat and blood and doesn't takes hours. I tried over and over to get that fucking bone out of his hand. Nothing worked. He always took me off my feet and I fell hard on my ass. 

Sans smiled each time I failed. I think he did it to make me angry, and it was working. I had cuts and bruises everywhere head to toe. I looked at my hand and saw a giant cut spilling blood. I saw more marks from just holding my sword for so long. 

I looked up at Sans to see he was just as tired as I was. I figured maybe this was my chance to finally get him. I stood up and readied my sword in front of me. I made sure I was filled with all the determination I had and looked him dead in his sockets. 

"Alright. I think I got it this time." I said full of confidence. He smiled, and as tired as he was he raised his bone high in the air making sure I saw it. "Alright kid." 

I ran towards him while his eye started to glow bright blue. I dodged as he was trying to trip me, then dodged the bones he tried to throw. He was surprised how quick I was on my feet. I had a very close call with him getting me right in the face. 

Still holding the bone, it was his turn to dodge my attacks. He swayed left and right with a calm face as he dodged the blade of my flaming sword. Then as I was making my way to the bone in his hand, he grabbed my back and kicked my feet and I was now falling on my back. 

He quickly grabbed me so I wouldn't fall hard as my sword dropped right out of my hand. He tried catching his breath as he was just holding my in this awkward position. I felt my cheeks get hot as I kinda liked the comfort but I shook my head and tapped him on the shoulder. He realized what he was doing and dropped me right where I was supposed to fall in the first place. 

"Ouch!" I yelled. He laughed as he bent down to help me up again. "You know I wouldn't have done that if you have let me finish helping the first time instead of just assuming." He smiled as I was now fully on my feet. I rolled my eyes at his little joke and took a seat on one of the logs near our little fire. 

It's been two days since we started camp here. Sans has been in a hurry to get out of here, but Iv'e kept him calm. The last two days have been rough. Sans is a tough one to train with. He's been healing his wounds and he's gonna want to go in the underground soon. I'm afraid I won't be enough help to him down there because I can't get a damn bone out of his hand.

He sat down and laid his head back on his log looking up at the sun set with little stars in the sky. This is normally the time we get to know a little about each other. Or in the two days we were here that happened. 

Yesterday I learned favorite colors and songs as he learned mine. Not much but a start. 

Today I was hoping for a little more then small talk. I wanted to know the real him. His fears and that. He seemed like the type of guy who would have it interesting. I looked up at the sky with him and looked at the stars thinking of a way to bring up a conversation. 

I like to think I don't have social anxiety, but sometimes thoughts get the better of me. 

"After a long day of training with a grumpy trainer the sky looks peaceful for once." I said with a little bit of laughter. He tsked with his plastered smile. "I could say the same about my annoying trainee." I sat up at that comment. "And what's that supposed to mean?" I asked with my arms crossed. 

He sat up with m sitting on his log. "Your not exactly to train. I never trained a human. Only monsters. Two different thing's if you haven't noticed." 

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