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Frisk Pov

This morning was different from all other's we've had in the weeks that Sans and I have known each other. Sans was a great mood and even got some sleep for the first time in forever without having a nightmare. His arms were wrapped around me all night, and I was holding them all night as well.

We woke up with some awkwardness and "Heys" when we opened our eye's to see one another with a bright smile on our faces. His smile was real this time too. I knew it was. It was like a glow was illuminating from his smile.

I was so warm despite the fact I only had in his t-shirt and my shorts to keep my from the cold of the harsh non heated house in the middle of an eternal winter. Sans slept with just his shorts, and the sight of him made me blush bringing memories of last night. It was just like I always thought it would be, besides the fact I only met this guy three weeks ago, and a monster. But other then those it was nice.

We got up, getting dressed in the same room looking at each other with a sorta glow. It wasn't like that night in the hotel where he saw me without a towel to cover me. It makes me wonder if he thought of me the way he does today before?

After we were all dressed, we joked around heading to the nearby shop to see if maybe they would have tools Sans needed to fix his machine. It was almost like we forgot what happened. We were so close so trusting, faithful, together. I had no idea if I was in a relationship, but it for sure as hell felt like it. I didn't want to ask, but in my opinion I think Sans was needing some sort of clarity from a significant other. I was hoping last night was enough.

The shop was open. There was humans, but they were too focused on the fact they were surrounded my artifacts that monster's had to live with they kept their distance from Sans unlike where in the town they would have piled on him.

It smelt like a grandma's house and looked like everything they sold was from a grandma's house. knic knacks such as toys, statues of monsters carved from wood, some fresh baked goods, and even some old looking toys you would see in the human world. It made me wonder if we could even get the tools Sans needed here.

We walked to the counter where a young purple bunny stood with a straw hat and overalls. She smiled as she fixed the counter and watching the customers walk around her nifty little shop. Her noes twitched with joy when she saw Sans and I in her view.

"Well I'll be darned. Sans the skeleton? Is that you?" Her southern accent fit her style well with her posture as she leaned over the counter holding her head with her paws. "I haven't seen you before we were free'd. Wher'e y'all been you and your brother."

I looked to see if Sans would get upset to the mention of his brother would bother him. He kept his confidence and just smiled naturally leaning over the counter with her. I stood back and let them talk.

"You know, enjoying the surface with the sun and the stars."
"I see picking up some sweethearts on the way as well." She giggled looking at me. I shrunk feeling my face flush. "Didn't know y'all were into humans. How ar you darling?" Sans looked at me urging me to introduce myself but also had a little bit of a tint of blue on his face.

"I'm Frisk, and you?" She grabbed my hand and started to shake it rapidly. "Oh I'm just the Snowdin shopkeeper in these parts. But you can call me 'B'. I never thought of Sans to be a significant other. Normally just flirt's a lot." She looked over to Sans with a twitching noes of anger. Sans scratched the back of his head not making eye contact. "My sister is one example."

Sans quickly changed the subject. "Anyway, do you have those tools still?" He laughed anxiously. I decided to ignore it. He probably just was drunk at bar wanting something. But he wasn't drunk last night...Or at least I didn't smell it.

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