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Frisk POV

My eye's were heavy with the air being covered in something. It was like weight was on my lungs so I couldn't breathe in. I couldn't talk and I couldn't move. I was forced to look at the direction I was facing. 

With my heavy eye's I was trying to make out the thing that was in front of me. I could only see green and yellow mixed together with a hint of red at the top. The feeling traveling my spine made me weaker then I already was. I shivered from the cold air around me and tried my best to get out of wherever I was. 

Behind all of this a voice came creeping into my head like a snake. It whispered and only so many words I could make out. "Fire...Destroy...You can control with me...." It said over and over driving me crazy. Eventually with all the weight on me I was able to use the strength I had in me and speak even if it was short and soft. "Who...Are you." I said trying to open my eye's more. 

I felt my chin lift with pain in my head from thumping of some kind. "I am the determination you need..." They said once again in my ear softly. With determination I was able to clear my vision to see. A girl looking almost like me was standing in front with a horrible smile. Her grin was a s bug as her face and her hair a dusty brown dragging down to her shoulders. Her eye's glowed fed along with the soul coming from her chest out of the yellow and green sweater. 

"You are capable of so much more." She said looking me in the eye. She then let go of my chin and started to walk away as I was too weak to move. To weak to speak once again. "It's best if you just do thing's the easy way. You'll have way more fun." She said before making a silent giggle in the back. I twitched as it got louder in my ear finally letting me have the strength to sit up.

I look around me to see the motel room empty with only me and the furniture around. I looked at the time and saw it was the middle of the night with no Sans to be seen. I felt my head to feel cold drops of sweat all over my forehead. With a sigh of pain in my head I head to the bathroom to wipe my face. 

I turned the cold water on wiping my face with the cold liquid making myself less tense then I need to be in such a situation. I looked up and realized something wrong with my reflection. My eye's are normally a coco brown from my mother who would always say how beautiful my eye's were and the boy's would be after me. I always smiled with the compliment. 

Now as I look in the mirror I see the color has changed to a blood bright red glowing in the light. I quickly grabbed the water again to wipe it away hoping I was just really tired. When I looked in the mirror again I saw only red. I looked again to see something else in my appearance changed. My coco brown hair was now a dusty brown almost orange in the light. When I grabbed a piece to see for myself it was normal hair. 

I looked in the mirror again only to be scared of a door opening roughly then slamming shut. I looked in the mirror to see everything was normal before turning off the light and heading back to see Sans looking tired and beaten but not by others.

"Sans? What happened?" I asked looking at his tired eyes. He turned away and flopped on the couch. I sat down next to him to smell the familiar smell of ketchup I've been having to deal with for the past few weeks. I understood why he looked like shit.

"Sans I-" I wanted to say before getting interrupted. "Save it kid. You were right alright! Is that what you wanted to hear? That you were right and I was the big idiot who almost got you killed making me lose my brother?" He stopped himself realizing he was talking to much. The slurs in his words were making it hard to tell weather he was guilty or angry. Or it could be both if I really think about it.

I watched as he leaned on his knees, his hands shaking of an emotion that's hard to read with such expressions. "Sans I never wanted you to say I was right." I said leaning on my knees in a man spread letting my hands dangle. I heard him chuckle under his breath knowing damn well it was sarcastic in my ears. 

The Red soul (Frisk X Sans)Where stories live. Discover now