Moving Fast

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A/n: This chapter will contain some Nsfw content. Not as much detail as there is in my "One shots" But it's pretty close. I already marked this in the tags of this story as a warning, and there will be some events that happen in this chapter that you need to read in order to understand further chapters. If your uncomfortable with this, then I'm sorry for the inconvenience. This is my personal story, and this is what I want in it. I'm not changing it because you guys don't like the idea of them having sex or any sexual content at all. Thank you for your cooperation, and enjoy the chapter.  

Frisk Pov

When Sans went searching for his belongings, I drifted away hoping to take a peaceful catnap, not getting good sleep with Chara wanting to speak to me of changing my life with my "unbelievable power." But I got just what I was trying to avoid.

It was the normal set up. Darkness surrounding me, with the feeling of a million weights on mt chest. I couldn't move, I could barely breathe, and only one thing was in sight for me. It was my "Friend" Chara. I talked with them as always. But this time it was different. They were a little different. Like they had nothing of morals in their body making them say bizarre things and actions they wanted me to do I could never do on my own. 

They were going on about different timelines, and how I could jump from timeline to timeline to manipulate how I want things to be. I could even go back as far as a few weeks to when this whole thing started and never go the way I did to avoid Gaster's men. But I would remember, and I would never forgive myself for getting Sans and his brother killed. It's just not in me.

I sat there bored listening to them go on about how when they were alive and used their power of determination, they would do horrible things to monsters and then just reset to do it over and over again. And of they messed up, got hurt, or anything else, they would just reset and fix it till it was how they wanted. Then they got stuck in a different determined soul preventing them from using any of their power. 

I faded out for the rest of their story, till they said something that caught my attention. "Training." Sans never really trained me long. Two days max in the woods with no warning and or advice that really helped me. He was too afraid of loosing time.

"You want me to train with you?" I asked in clarification.

"Yes. I happen to know that you don't have full control or knowledge of your abilities. I could teach you everything I know of this soul, and get you moving on your feet to become something powerful, immortal even." They smiled widely not showing their teeth, but the look in their eye's explained everything I needed to know. 

"We have one day left Chara. I would love to but we just don't have the time." They began to laugh at my point. "You realize you have all the time in the world! I told you that you could go anywhere you want back in time. To any timeline, to any universe, to any day! You could train with me, reset, train more and so one and so forth. Nobody would know!" They circled around me, placing their arms on my shoulders keeping me still. I knew what they were doing, but something was going off in my head like a bomb. 

"Nobody would remember?" I asked looking them straight in the eye. They pointed to my chest keeping that contact. "The only ones that will realize will be you, and I." They held out their hand once they were done digging their finger in my chest. "Do we have a deal?" 

I looked at their hand.

I thought for a good moment of the pros and cons of the situation that was laid in front of me like a menu at a restaurant. I looked at them. They seemed dependent on my hand to connect to theirs. 

"Let me think about it."

I was quickly awoken by my own mind not being able to breathe. I grabbed a hold of my chest feeling a slight pain coming every time I took a deep breath hoping to get an airway back.

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