The Underground

333 21 6

Frisk Pov

The trail down into the underground was quiet and cold. Sans wasn't even looking in my direction and the place was cold but very welcoming to say the least. The walls were covered with stories and pictures of the history here before they came up.

After the monster's were free'd from the underground, they made the place a tourist ground for greedy humans looking for something new to brag about. Some of my fellow piers always talk about how they went and loved it or how it was horrible to see something so filthily and that they all belong in a dump like that. 

I never wanted to go neither did I have the money for it. Now here I am going in for free because someone wants to kill me for my soul. I couldn't help but have a quick look at some of the pictures. The first one was of the  horrible battle between the monsters and humans sending them down in the first place. 

Another was of the monsters surrounding the barrier as it's open due to a mysterious miracle opening the cage and letting them into the world of beauty. Some say an angel saw them in their misery and let them free. Or the mousers succeeded in getting seven human souls and hid the truth so they wouldn't be punished for any crimes. 

Whatever the case may be they're here. And the mayor of Ebbot let them in and won't let them go back. 

I followed Sans as we were heading into the tourist trap called "New home".  A stair case led down through a huge archway with beautiful designs and words carved into the stone spelling out "Welcome". The stair case had more fun facts and advertisement's trying have guest buy something from the gift shop. 

Sans didn't seem happy by any of this. I wouldn't blame him either. This was a living hell for him. For all the monster's. And they made it into a place where people can take pictures and buy thing's their going to look at once and forget about it in the end. That and I'm sure he's still mad about earlier. I couldn't blame him about that either.

As we went through a corridor leading into the city where the King and Queen used to live we came to a sudden stop. I bumped into him not paying attention that we were stopping completely. "Sorry." I said still feeling awkward about earlier. 

"We can't go through the town. The place is to crowded. Not to mention it'll being a lot of attention to go through a place full of humans." He said with an attitude in his tone. I crossed my arms and made it clear I was offended. He rolled his sockets at me and made himself clearer. "I'm the problem. This place is flooded with people who will do anything to see a living monster. That's why most of the monster's who live here don't come to this town anymore." 

I sighed uncrossing my arms feeling bad for assuming again. "What do we do then. Where are we even going?" I asked. He snapped his fingers and lit his left eye so it was glowing blue. Then right before me everything in front of me stopped. The humans walking around were now just standing and doing what they were doing but not moving an inch. 

"Follow me." He said still keeping his eye blue. We started walking through the crowd as they were all in their funny positions of mid walk or mid conversation. I looked around the town with all the crumpled and colorless buildings that were once homes now museums and shops. We pumped and shoved some of the frozen humans but all it did was keep them still.

I looked to Sans to make sure I was still behind. But as I was looking I saw that their was drips of blue colored sweat falling off his skull. I had two questions. One is how he was sweating due to the fact he was a skeleton, and two is how much energy this was taking out of him. 

Sans has powers I've never seen in any monster. For Sans to stop time like it was nothing means he has something special in his soul. He can manipulate time like it was part of him. I tapped his shoulder hoping I could get his attention so he could take a break. But he ignored me and kept going. 

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