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Frisk's Pov

The ride in the small and rusty elevator was surprisingly quick. The stopping was as bumpy as landing a plane, but that wasn't the worse of this weird trip down to the pits of hell. The door's opened to reveal this dusty and old hallway almost like an abandoned hospital. I watched as Sans' ease quickly grew tense again. 

"Bad memories?" I asked trying to get rid of the erie quiet. "Worse." He said as he kept walking down with the lights flashing. We were walking in like complete fools instead of discussing a plan like he said he would. A corner was near but I didn't let him go past. "I thought we wouldn't be trying to commit suicide!" I whispered loudly just in case someone was near.

Sans rolled his socket's very clear, even with his hood up. He stopped and leaned against the wall. "I don't know what you want from me kid." He said with a shit smile. I looked around the corner to see if we indeed were alone. 

"This place isn't empty weather Pap is here or not. Remember the little experiment Alphys and I were talking of?" He asked keeping his guard up. "Well yeah but-"

"This place is crawling with dangerous amalgamates. We never let them on the surface so nobody would get infected. So we left them in the place they were created in." He threw his hand out as if he was looking into a magical wonderland filled with candy and love. My fear for this place suddenly grew.

We got to discussing what we could do in order to attack and get through and have time to get Papyrus and run. We quietly searched the halls with Sans' and I magic to be a source of light. We didn't leave each other's side. We were both to high on guard about anyone popping out of anywhere. 

Eventually we left the long hall's and found ourselves in a room filled with empty beds, some made and some not. Nothing but dead plants and dust spread through. I felt this cold chill down my spine as if someone was watching me. I tried to ignore it but I knew there was something trying to get close. If they did they'd just have a sword up there ass before they can even  touch me. 

There were more and more rooms to search through. Ones with empty freezers, ones with many mirrors, and one with a giant fan helping the dust fly. One room that really opened my eyes was this huge machine in the shape of a skull. Almost looking like Sans's Gaster Blaster's. I tried to ask about it, but he gave me that answer of "A pile of junk." I let it go since it was very clear he didn't want to talk about it.

The frustration was growing in both of us. Mostly Sans. His eye for part of the light we shared was growing brighter almost making the whole room blue and flaming.

"Sans I think we should turn back. There's nothing here." Sans was about to say something, probably argumentative, but decided against it. He just walked out of the room his fist clenched. He went through the halls in'till we were in the room where the dusty beds filled the room. I tried to keep moving forward, but Sans decided it was time for a break by laying down and looking at the ceiling.

I turned around and sat myself at the end of the bed near his feet. I just sat quietly letting the creaking sound fill the silent room. I really got to think of the stress he's been through. Just by looking at him I can tell he didn't get much sleep last night. I remember that one night when he had that horrible dream. I haven't seen him have one since. I was trying to decide weather that was good or bad. 

I looked up and started to stare at my me. I raised a brow. "What?" I asked. "Nothing. I was just wondering why you were looking at me." He said giving me that stupid grin he gives when he likes to tease me. I rolled my eye's and looked away embarrassed of my mistake. I was to deep in thought to even think where I was looking.

"I know I kinda just stopped. I'm just trying to think. We looked everywhere in this damn area and still nothing but the shadows of the amalgamations." He said clenching his fist even more but eased them quickly afterwards. "I don't wanna fight again because I know it gets ugly. I just need to find him before my time's up." He said looking away. 

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