Home Sweet Home

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Sans Pov

Walking through the Underground was making my head hurt and spin. I fought through it but was feeling like everything was gonna crash if I stopped for a minute. My soul was still racing from the excitement back at the lab. The Amalgamations got more mangled from the time they have been here alone with out food or affection. Those were the only things keeping them sane before we were free. They now seemed to be hungry for everything or anything living they could find easily that was living.

As soon as Frisk passed out, a deformed blob of a glitch and eye's stared me down and looking at Frisk like she was a full course meal. Those weren't the things Alphys and I created so long ago.

The fact that Frisk went out without warning scared me and gave me the adrenaline to get her out of there. Her soul just started to glow making the scent for the creature to really track us no matter where we went. I was thankful she woke up when she did. I knew she was lying of the excuse she told me, but I had no room to judge considering I've been keeping things from her as well. 

We were now heading in the transition from Hotlands to Waterfall where the weather was a dramatic change. To get across you had to cross a bridge that seemed to be empty with nobody in sight. I was surprised but knowing humans they were most likely using the boat, which is why I'm keeping to the path. After crossing I saw my wooden station from long ago was now a little gazebo for Humans to rest their feet from long walks. I felt my soul sink along with the memories of many naps I had in that thing. I kept walking. 

I looked around at the roof where the rocks were turning into shiny stars. It's crazy to think we all used to long for the sight of the real stars. Now we don't look at them that much because their nothing new to any of us. The sound of rushing water went through my skull making me fall back to when I was down here thinking this was all I was going to have. My sockets closed and my breathing was silent. I listened to the crunch of my feet hitting the wet pebbles that were the path guiding me along the Underground.


My eye's shot open and suddenly everything was quiet like all the sound went away. "Yeah?" I answered not even sure how long she's been trying to talk to me. "Are you okay?" She asked. "You kinda spaced out when I asked you a question." The surroundings around me were familiar. It was the middle part of Waterfall where most of the people in a small village, almost close to where Undyne used to live. I realized there was a path for tourist to go a quicker way. It must be a museum of where the "Very Determined captain of the royal guard." I was guessing anyway. 

"Sorry kid. What were you asking?" We were still walking passing and feeling the breeze of the water rushing. "I asked is this where you lived? In the village area we passed?" She pointed back to the sign that showed the way to an old village that was probably turned into shops and food area's.

"No. I lived in Snowdin which is the next area over from here. Although Undyne lived there, which is now probably another tourist trap." I made a chuckle from the thought. "Do you think they turned your house into a sight of some kind? I bet it would be interesting to see what skeletons used to do all day." She smiled rushing to my side looking for a reaction. 

"Well I would hope not. Beside's, the government had to ask out permissions to see if out houses could be on display. The only thing they can do is put the names of the people who lived in said house on a sign and explaining what kind of Monster they were. And for the record, skeletons don't do much besides sit aside and watch TV. At least that was what I did." I remembered how much I would spend time in that house after quitting the job at the lab. Papyrus always told me I was wasting the day just napping or going to the bar and trying to forget "Him". That was probably the only time I tried to leave the house beside's failing to be a sentry.

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